
Electron Microscopy
4Å resolution

E. coli ATP synthase imaged in 10mM MgATP State1 "half-up" Fo classified


Function and Biology Details

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
hetero 22-mer (preferred)
Assembly name:
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-243138 (preferred)
Entry contents:
9 distinct polypeptide molecules
Macromolecules (9 distinct):
ATP synthase subunit alpha Chains: A, C
Molecule details ›
Chains: A, C
Length: 512 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 55.02 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0ABB0 (Residues: 2-513; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: JW3712, atpA, b3734, papA, uncA
Sequence domains:
ATP synthase subunit alpha Chain: B
Molecule details ›
Chain: B
Length: 512 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 54.95 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0ABB0 (Residues: 2-513; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: JW3712, atpA, b3734, papA, uncA
Sequence domains:
ATP synthase subunit beta Chains: D, E, F
Molecule details ›
Chains: D, E, F
Length: 460 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 50.35 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0ABB4 (Residues: 1-460; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: JW3710, atpD, b3732, papB, uncD
Sequence domains:
ATP synthase gamma chain Chain: G
Molecule details ›
Chain: G
Length: 284 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 31.24 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0ABA6 (Residues: 2-285; Coverage: 99%)
Gene names: JW3711, atpG, b3733, papC, uncG
Sequence domains: ATP synthase
ATP synthase epsilon chain Chain: H
Molecule details ›
Chain: H
Length: 101 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 11.01 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0A6E6 (Residues: 4-104; Coverage: 73%)
Gene names: JW3709, atpC, b3731, papG, uncC
Sequence domains:
ATP synthase subunit c Chains: I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S
Molecule details ›
Chains: I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S
Length: 77 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 8 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P68699 (Residues: 3-79; Coverage: 98%)
Gene names: JW3715, atpE, b3737, papH, uncE
Sequence domains: ATP synthase subunit C
ATP synthase subunit delta Chain: W
Molecule details ›
Chain: W
Length: 173 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 18.86 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0ABA4 (Residues: 3-175; Coverage: 98%)
Gene names: JW3713, atpH, b3735, papE, uncH
Sequence domains: ATP synthase delta (OSCP) subunit
ATP synthase subunit b Chains: X, Y
Molecule details ›
Chains: X, Y
Length: 156 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 17.26 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0ABA0 (Residues: 1-156; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: JW3714, atpF, b3736, papF, uncF
Sequence domains: ATP synthase B/B' CF(0)
ATP synthase subunit a Chain: a
Molecule details ›
Chain: a
Length: 266 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 29.77 KDa
Source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P0AB98 (Residues: 4-269; Coverage: 98%)
Gene names: JW3716, atpB, b3738, papD, uncB
Sequence domains: ATP synthase A chain

Ligands and Environments

3 bound ligands:
No modified residues

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
Relevant EMDB volumes: EMD-27298
Expression system: Escherichia coli