
Electron Microscopy
2.62Å resolution

CryoEM structure of Influenza A virus A/Melbourne/1/1946 (H1N1) hemagglutinin bound to CR6261 Fab

Entry author: Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID)
Related structures: EMD-27441

Function and Biology Details

Biochemical function:
Cellular component:

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
hetero dodecamer (preferred)
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-234944 (preferred)
Entry contents:
4 distinct polypeptide molecules
Macromolecules (6 distinct):
Hemagglutinin Chains: D, E, F
Molecule details ›
Chains: D, E, F
Length: 364 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 40.35 KDa
Source organism: Influenza A virus (A/Melbourne/1/1946(H1N1))
Expression system: Trichoplusia ni
  • Canonical: C7S1Y2 (Residues: 5-15, 16-341; Coverage: 60%)
Gene name: HA
Sequence domains: Haemagglutinin
Hemagglutinin HA2 chain Chains: d, e, f
Molecule details ›
Chains: d, e, f
Length: 209 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 23.85 KDa
Source organism: Influenza A virus (A/Melbourne/1/1946(H1N1))
Expression system: Trichoplusia ni
  • Canonical: C7S1Y2 (Residues: 345-509; Coverage: 29%)
Gene name: HA
Sequence domains: Haemagglutinin
CR6261 Fab heavy chain Chains: A, B, H
Molecule details ›
Chains: A, B, H
Length: 251 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 27.07 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Homo sapiens
CR6261 Fab light chain Chains: C, G, L
Molecule details ›
Chains: C, G, L
Length: 240 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 25.51 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Homo sapiens

Ligands and Environments

Carbohydrate polymer : NEW Components: NAG
Carbohydrate polymer : NEW Components: NAG, BMA
1 bound ligand:
No modified residues

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
Resolution: 2.62Å
Relevant EMDB volumes: EMD-27441
Expression systems:
  • Trichoplusia ni
  • Homo sapiens