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Structural insights into actin isoforms.


Actin isoforms organize into distinct networks that are essential for the normal function of eukaryotic cells. Despite a high level of sequence and structure conservation, subtle differences in their design principles determine the interaction with myosin motors and actin-binding proteins (ABPs). Therefore, identifying how the structure of actin isoforms relates to function is important for our understanding of normal cytoskeletal physiology. Here, we report the high-resolution structures of filamentous skeletal muscle a-actin (3.37Å), cardiac muscle a-actin (3.07Å), ß-actin (2.99Å), and g-actin (3.38Å) in the Mg2+·ADP state with their native PTMs. The structures revealed isoform-specific conformations of the N-terminus that shift closer to the filament surface upon myosin binding, thereby establishing isoform-specific interfaces. Collectively, the structures of single-isotype, post-translationally modified bare skeletal muscle a-actin, cardiac muscle a-actin, ß-actin, and g-actin reveal general principles, similarities, and differences between isoforms. They complement the repertoire of known actin structures and allow for a comprehensive understanding of in vitro and in vivo functions of actin isoforms.

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  1. Cytosolic actin isoforms form networks with different rheological properties that indicate specific biological function. Nietmann P, Kaub K, Suchenko A, Stenz S, Warnecke C, Balasubramanian MK, Janshoff A. Nat Commun 14 7989 (2023)
  2. Structural insights into actin isoforms. Arora AS, Huang HL, Singh R, Narui Y, Suchenko A, Hatano T, Heissler SM, Balasubramanian MK, Chinthalapudi K. Elife 12 e82015 (2023)

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