8fel Citations

Structures of Langya Virus Fusion Protein Ectodomain in Pre- and Postfusion Conformation.

J Virol e0043323 (2023)
Cited: 4 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 37278642


Langya virus (LayV) is a paramyxovirus in the Henipavirus genus, closely related to the deadly Nipah (NiV) and Hendra (HeV) viruses, that was identified in August 2022 through disease surveillance following animal exposure in eastern China. Paramyxoviruses present two glycoproteins on their surface, known as attachment and fusion proteins, that mediate entry into cells and constitute the primary antigenic targets for immune response. Here, we determine cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of the uncleaved LayV fusion protein (F) ectodomain in pre- and postfusion conformations. The LayV-F protein exhibits pre- and postfusion architectures that, despite being highly conserved across paramyxoviruses, show differences in their surface properties, in particular at the apex of the prefusion trimer, that may contribute to antigenic variability. While dramatic conformational changes were visualized between the pre- and postfusion forms of the LayV-F protein, several domains remained invariant, held together by highly conserved disulfides. The LayV-F fusion peptide (FP) is buried within a highly conserved, hydrophobic interprotomer pocket in the prefusion state and is notably less flexible than the rest of the protein, highlighting its "spring-loaded" state and suggesting that the mechanism of pre-to-post transition must involve perturbations to the pocket and release of the fusion peptide. Together, these results offer a structural basis for how the Langya virus fusion protein compares to its Henipavirus relatives and propose a mechanism for the initial step of pre- to postfusion conversion that may apply more broadly to paramyxoviruses.

Articles - 8fel mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Structures of Langya Virus Fusion Protein Ectodomain in Pre- and Postfusion Conformation. May AJ, Pothula KR, Janowska K, Acharya P. J Virol 97 e0043323 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (1)

  1. Structural Studies of Henipavirus Glycoproteins. May AJ, Acharya P. Viruses 16 195 (2024)

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  1. Prefusion stabilization of the Hendra and Langya virus F proteins. Byrne PO, Blade EG, Fisher BE, Ambrozak DR, Ramamohan AR, Graham BS, Loomis RJ, McLellan JS. J Virol 98 e0137223 (2024)
  2. The cryo-EM structure of homotetrameric attachment glycoprotein from langya henipavirus. Guo Y, Wu S, Li W, Yang H, Shi T, Ju B, Zhang Z, Yan R. Nat Commun 15 812 (2024)