EC Helper-component proteinase
Reaction catalysed:
Hydrolyzes a Gly-|-Gly bond at its own C-terminus, commonly in the sequence -Tyr-Xaa-Val-Gly-|-Gly, in the processing of the potyviral polyprotein.
Alternative Name(s):
- HC-Pro
EC Nuclear-inclusion-a endopeptidase
Reaction catalysed:
Hydrolyzes glutaminyl bonds, and activity is further restricted by preferences for the amino acids in P6 - P1' that vary with the species of potyvirus, e.g. Glu-Xaa-Xaa-Tyr-Xaa-Gln-|-(Ser or Gly) for the enzyme from tobacco etch virus. The natural substrate is the viral polyprotein, but other proteins and oligopeptides containing the appropriate consensus sequence are also cleaved.
Alternative Name(s):
- Potyvirus NIa protease
GO terms
Biochemical function:
- not assigned
Biological process:
- not assigned