
Electron Microscopy
3.17Å resolution

Substrate Binding Plasticity Revealed by Cryo-EM Structures of SLC26A2

Source organism: Homo sapiens
Primary publication:
Substrate binding plasticity revealed by Cryo-EM structures of SLC26A2.
OpenAccess logo Nat Commun 15 3616 (2024)
PMID: 38684689
Related structures: EMD-41427

Function and Biology Details

Cellular component:

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
homo dimer (preferred)
Assembly name:
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-156181 (preferred)
Entry contents:
1 distinct polypeptide molecule
Sulfate transporter Chains: A, B
Molecule details ›
Chains: A, B
Length: 673 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 74.41 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P50443 (Residues: 52-724; Coverage: 91%)
Gene names: DTD, DTDST, SLC26A2
Sequence domains:

Ligands and Environments

1 bound ligand:
No modified residues

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
Resolution: 3.17Å
Relevant EMDB volumes: EMD-41427
Expression system: Escherichia coli