Inktober 2023 by Irina Bezsonova

Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

In 2023 Irina Bezsonova, Associate professor UCONN Health and part-time artist, took up the challenge with a focus on protein structures. Previously, in October 2021, Irina had also taken up the Inktober challenge, leading to the creation of a wonderful virtual exhibition of her artworks, put together by PDBe.

We are delighted to share Irina's 2023 Inktober artworks here to celebrate this work and provide inspiration to aspiring scientific artists!


Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of dream through depiction of a dream catcher

Day 1/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: DREAM

Human melatonin receptor MT2 (PDB entry 6me6)

Melatonin promotes sleep and contributes to our vivid dreams

View the Structure at PDBe

Day 2/31 of #inktober2023


Spider dragline silk protein Spidroin 1 (PDB entry 7wio)

Some dragline spider silk can be as strong or even stronger than steel.

View the Structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of spiders through depiction of spiders hanging from webs
Hand drawn image of protein structures incorporating the theme of path through depiction of protein folding as a journey

Day 3/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: PATH

A path of protein folding

FF domain of pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 folds into its native conformation (PDB entry 1uzc) through a transient intermediate (PDB entry 2kzg) that can be captured by fancy NMR.

View the structure at PDBe (1uzc)

View the structure at PDBe (2kzg)

Day 4/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: DODGE

SARS-CoV-2 protein ORF8 (PDB entry 7jtl) dodges the immune system by rapidly evolving and interfering with immune responses.

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Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of dodge through depiction of a mask relating to covid protein avoidance of immune response
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of map through depiction of a MAP kinase protein structure surrounded by geographical contours

Day 5/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: MAP

A molecule of MAP kinase (PDB entry 4qtb) - an important enzyme at the crossroads of many cellular signaling pathways

View the structure at PDBe

Day 6/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: GOLDEN

A part of inner capsid particle + dsRNA of the Golden Shiner Reovirus (PDB entry 8FJK)

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Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of golden through depiction of a sunflower and capsid protein from Golden Shiner Reovirus
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of drip through depiction of a protein structure related to blood clotting appearing to hang on a clothes line.

Day 7/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: DRIP

Coagulation Factor VIII (PDB entry 1iqd) prevents excessive bleeding by promoting blood clotting. Its deficiency causes hemophilia.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 8/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: TOAD

Toad liver fatty acid binding protein (PDB entry 1p6p)

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of toad through depiction of a protein structure looking like a toad
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of bounce through depiction of a helix acting as a spring

Day 9/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: BOUNCE

TA fragment of Myosin (PDB entry 2n11). Myosins are best known for their role in muscle contraction and trafficking cargo in the cell.

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Day 10/31 of #inktober2023


This one is a bit personal.

Synthetic insulin (PDB entry 1lph) that saves my life every day.

As a #diabetic I’m fortunate to have it as so many diseases remain untreatable.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of fortune through depiction of an insulin protein structure within dice
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the theme of wander through depiction of a hand holding a yellow fluorescent protein YFP like a lamp

Day 11/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: WANDER

Yellow Fluorescent Protein (PDB entry 1yfp) lights up and lets us see how proteins wander through the cell.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 12/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: SPICY

Capsaicin receptor TRPV1 (PDB entry 7LR0). This beautiful tetramer lets us feel the heat of spicy chili peppers and warns us of other potentially dangerous things.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 13/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: RISE

Active site of yeast enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase that breaks pyruvate into acetaldehyde and CO2, which makes the yeast dough rise (PDB entry 1pvd).

View the structure at PDBe

Day 14/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: CASTLE

Tertramerization domain of tumor suppressor protein p53 - “the guardian of the genome” (PDB entry 1sae).

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 15/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: DAGGER

a spike of the Type 6 Secretion System (PDB entry 4jiv) does not just look like a dagger, it’s actually used to pierce cells!

View the structure at PDBe

Day 16/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: ANGEL

AZUL domain of ubiquitin ligase UBE3A (PDB entry 8ept)

It’s deficiency causes Angelman syndrome - a genetic disorder that affects nervous system.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 17/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: DEMON

Molecules of Keratin 1 and 10 (PDB entry 6ec0)

Keratins make up hair, nails, horns and hooves in vertebrates

View the structure at PDBe

Day 18/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: SADDLE

TATA-binding protein (PDB entry 1qne)

Doesn’t it look like a saddle? A transcription factor that straddles DNA and interacts with regulatory proteins.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 19/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: PLUMP

Botulinum neurotoxin - the secret ingredient of Botox (PDB entry 2vu9).

It’s used in beauty treatments but also to manage pain and movement disorders.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 20/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: FROST

Bacterial ice-nucleation protein (PDB entry 6m9i) forms a lattice that structures water to induce ice formation

Bacteria in the clouds use it to catch a ride back to Earth.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 21/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: CHAINS

Antibody against Ebola virus (PDB entry 6n7u).

Antibodies consist of light and heavy chains. They block viruses from entering the cell.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 22/31 of #inktober2023


A molecule of major cat allergen Fel d1 (PDB entry 1puo).

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 23/31 of #inktober2023


Endonuclease Eco RI (PDB entry 1ckq).

One of the proteins crystallized at the International Space Station.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 24/31 of #inktober2023


A pore-forming toxin (PDB entry 4tsy) from strawberry anemone (Actinia fragacea) that thrives in shallow waters.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 25/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: DANGER

Adrenergic receptor beta-2 (PDB entry 6kr8).

It binds to adrenaline and causes our “fight-or-flight” response to danger.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 26/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: REMOVE

De-ubiquitinating enzyme removing a #ubiquitin tag.

My favorite is USP7 (PDB entry 1nbf) It’s actually shaped as a right hand.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 27/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: BEAST

Telomerase TERT in action (PDB entry 6usp).

Telomerase extends telomere sequences at chromosomal ends to protect genomic DNA.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 28/31 of #inktober2023


Carbonic anhydrase (PDB entry 3uyq).

It contributes to the sparkling feeling we get when drinking carbonated beverages.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 29/31 of #inktober2023


Titin - the largest human protein (PDB entry 1tit).

It’s 34,350 residues long and contains 244 domains. It’s key for muscle elasticity.

View the structure at PDBe

Day 30/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: RUSH

Caffeine blocks adenosine A2A receptor (PDB entry 3rfm) and provides a little rush that helps us wake up.

View the structure at PDBe

Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme
Hand drawn image of protein structure incorporating the inktober theme

Day 31/31 of #inktober2023

Prompt: FIRE

Inflammasome (PDB entry 3jbl).

View the structure at PDBe