PDB entry 4LOQ contains the proteins listed below.
Click on any of the buttons to view the detailed protein view.
TGF-beta-activated kinase 1 and MAP3K7-binding protein 1 (Q8CF89) | - UniProt residues in chain K: 384 - 412
- UniProt residues in chain L: 384 - 412
- UniProt residues in chain M: 384 - 412
- UniProt residues in chain N: 384 - 412
| View details |
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (P47811) | - UniProt residues in chain A: 1 - 283
- UniProt residues in chain B: 1 - 283
- UniProt residues in chain C: 1 - 283
- UniProt residues in chain D: 1 - 283
| View details |