PDB entry 7DX8 contains the proteins listed below.

Click on any of the buttons to view the detailed protein view.

Spike glycoprotein (P0DTC2)
  • UniProt residues in chain A: 1 - 1273
  • UniProt residues in chain B: 1 - 1273
  • UniProt residues in chain C: 1 - 1273
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Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (Q9BYF1)
  • UniProt residues in chain D: 2 - 17
  • UniProt residues in chain D: 18 - 459
  • UniProt residues in chain E: 2 - 17
  • UniProt residues in chain E: 18 - 459
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Spike protein S1 (PRO_0000449647)
  • UniProt residues in chain A: 14 - 685
  • UniProt residues in chain B: 14 - 685
  • UniProt residues in chain C: 14 - 685
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Spike protein S2 (PRO_0000449648)
  • UniProt residues in chain A: 686 - 1273
  • UniProt residues in chain B: 686 - 1273
  • UniProt residues in chain C: 686 - 1273
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Spike protein S2' (PRO_0000449649)
  • UniProt residues in chain A: 816 - 1273
  • UniProt residues in chain B: 816 - 1273
  • UniProt residues in chain C: 816 - 1273
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