Photosystem I P700 chlorophyll a apoprotein A2 (P29255)

Macromolecular Interactions
Interacting Partners (13)
This section shows macromolecules observed together with the protein of interest in PDB entries. Click on the images to see the related PDB entries. The interaction partner is colored blue.
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In the gallery below, the structure of the protein of interest (i.e. the protein this page focuses on) is colored grey, while the interaction partner (i.e. the macromolecule the gallery item focuses on) is colored blue.

Interface Residues

The visualisation is using UniProt numbering for residues, not PDB numbering.

Interaction interfaces
Photosystem I P700 chlorophyll a apoprotein A1 (P29254)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit III (P29256)
Photosystem I iron-sulfur center (P32422)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit XII (P72986)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit VIII (Q55330)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit II (P19569)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit XI (P37277)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit IX (Q55329)
Photosystem I reaction center subunit IV (P12975)
Photosystem II protein D1 2 (P16033)
Photosystem II reaction center protein I (Q54697)
Iron stress-induced chlorophyll-binding protein (Q55274)
Photosystem II assembly lipoprotein Ycf48 (P73069)