Minichromosome maintenance protein 5 (P29496)
Macromolecular Interactions
Interacting Partners (20)
This section shows macromolecules observed together with the protein of interest in PDB entries. Click on the images to see the related PDB entries. The interaction partner is colored blue.
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In the gallery below, the structure of the protein of interest (i.e. the protein this page focuses on) is colored grey, while the interaction partner (i.e. the macromolecule the gallery item focuses on) is colored blue.
3D views
P29496 (self) Name: Minichromosome maintenance protein 5
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3D views
P24279 Name: DNA replication licensing factor MCM3
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P29469 Name: DNA replication licensing factor MCM2
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Q08032 Name: Cell division control protein 45
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P40359 Name: DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF2
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Interface Residues
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Interaction interfaces
DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 (P24279)
Residues interacting with DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 (P24279)
DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 (P29469)
Residues interacting with DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 (P29469)
DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 (P38132)
Residues interacting with DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 (P38132)
DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit A (P21951)
Residues interacting with DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit A (P21951)
Cell division control protein 45 (Q08032)
Residues interacting with Cell division control protein 45 (Q08032)
Residues interacting with DNA (DNA)
DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF3 (Q12146)
Residues interacting with DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF3 (Q12146)
DNA polymerase epsilon subunit B (P24482)
Residues interacting with DNA polymerase epsilon subunit B (P24482)
DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF2 (P40359)
Residues interacting with DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF2 (P40359)
Origin recognition complex subunit 3 (P54790)
Residues interacting with Origin recognition complex subunit 3 (P54790)
Residues interacting with Other
DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF1 (Q12488)
Residues interacting with DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF1 (Q12488)
Origin recognition complex subunit 6 (P38826)
Residues interacting with Origin recognition complex subunit 6 (P38826)
Minichromosome maintenance protein 5 (self) (P29496)
Residues interacting with Minichromosome maintenance protein 5 (self) (P29496)
Origin recognition complex subunit 2 (P32833)
Residues interacting with Origin recognition complex subunit 2 (P32833)
DNA replication licensing factor MCM6 (P53091)
Residues interacting with DNA replication licensing factor MCM6 (P53091)
Protein DIA2 (Q08496)
Residues interacting with Protein DIA2 (Q08496)
DNA replication licensing factor MCM4 (P30665)
Residues interacting with DNA replication licensing factor MCM4 (P30665)
DDK kinase regulatory subunit DBF4 (P32325)
Residues interacting with DDK kinase regulatory subunit DBF4 (P32325)
DNA primase large subunit (P20457)
Residues interacting with DNA primase large subunit (P20457)