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Lon protease homolog, mitochondrial
LONP1 Enzyme: EC This enzyme has known catalytic activity involved in reaction: Hydrolysis of proteins in presence of ATP. Disease CODAS syndrome: A rare syndrome characterized by the combination of cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, and skeletal features. These include developmental delay, craniofacial anomalies, cataracts, ptosis, median nasal groove, delayed tooth eruption, hearing loss, short stature, delayed epiphyseal ossification, metaphyseal hip dysplasia, and vertebral coronal clefts... [click for more]
Homo sapiens (Human)
P36776go to UniProt
ATP-dependent serine protease that mediates the selective degradation of misfolded, unassembled or oxidatively damaged polypeptides as well as certain short-lived regulatory proteins in the mitochondrial matrix (PubMed:12198491, PubMed:15870080, PubMed:17579211, PubMed:37327776, PubMed:8248235). Endogenous substrates include mitochondrial steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, DELE1, helicase Twinkle (TWNK) and ... [show more]go to UniProt
Representative structure for UniProt P36776
Use the arrows or click on the blue segments at the bottom to navigate between representative chains from different PDB entries for different regions of the sequence.
Observed regions are darker shades, while unobserved regions are slightly transparent.
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PDB chain shown: 7oxo B go to PDBe
UniProt residues 1 - 959
Coverage: 81%