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Ubiquitin-NEDD8-like protein RUB1
Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)
Q9SHE7go to UniProt
Appears to function as a stable post-translational protein modifier. An AMP-RUB1 intermediate is formed by an activating enzyme, distinct from the ubiquitin activating enzyme E1, which is composed of a heterodimer AXR1/ECR1. Auxin response is mediated, at least in part, through modification of the cullin AtCUL1 by the attachment of RUB1 to 'Lys-692'go to UniProt
Representative structure for UniProt Q9SHE7
Use the arrows or click on the blue segments at the bottom to navigate between representative chains from different PDB entries for different regions of the sequence.
Observed regions are darker shades, while unobserved regions are slightly transparent.
Note: There is a reported problem with Safari 15.1 that breaks the 3D viewer, Mol*. If Mol* is not displayed for you, please try a different browser, or update your Safari browser.
PDB chain shown: 1bt0 A go to PDBe
UniProt residues 77 - 152
Coverage: 47%
Processed Proteins (2):
Click on a box for 3D view
UniProt range of representative PDB 1bt0 chain A: 77 - 152