Ligands and Environments
Directly Interacting Ligands (8)
All Ligands (8)
This section, by default, shows ligands observed directly bound to the protein of interest, if such ligands are available. Click on the checkbox below to see every ligand from all PDB entries (some may not directly interact with the protein). If there are no directly interacting ligands, all ligands will be shown by default. Click on the images to see the related PDB entries. For ligand binding residues, see the sequence viewer at the bottom.
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Help: Checking this box will show ligands which may not directly interact with the protein.
Help: Checking this box will show ligands which may not directly interact with the protein.
Legends: Annotated small molecules Ligands with green-bordered boxes have annotations such as cofactor-like, reactant-like or drug-like.
Other small molecules Ligands with black-bordered boxes have no additional annotations.
Not interacting small molecules Ligands with grey-bordered boxes do not directly interact with the protein of interest.
Other small molecules Ligands with black-bordered boxes have no additional annotations.
Not interacting small molecules Ligands with grey-bordered boxes do not directly interact with the protein of interest.
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Ligand-binding Residues
The visualisation is using UniProt numbering for residues, not PDB numbering.