Families [ 5 entries ]
SCOP ID 4000791
the active site is between the two identical subunits
SCOP ID 4001202
PF04166, contains extra beta-alpha unit between strands 2 and 3, closer relationships to the PlsX-like and phosphotransacetylase families
SCOP ID 4001205
PF02504, contains extra beta-alpha unit between strands 2 and 3, closer relationships to the PdxA-like and phosphotransacetylase families
SCOP ID 4001208
PF01515, contains extra beta-alpha unit between strands 2 and 3, closer relationships to the PdxA-like and PlsX-like families
SCOP ID 4003133
the active site is contained within one subunit between the canonical ICDH fold and a large insert domain that itself is a probable rudiment form of ICDH fold resulted from duplication, domain swapping and deletion