data_CMO # CMO "CARBON MONOXIDE" _chem_comp.type NON-POLYMER _chem_comp.pdbx_type HETAIN _chem_comp.formula "C O" _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id ? _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ? _chem_comp.pdbx_formal_charge 0 _chem_comp.pdbx_initial_date 1999-07-08 _chem_comp.pdbx_modified_date 2011-06-04 _chem_comp.pdbx_ambiguous_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_release_status REL _chem_comp.pdbx_replaced_by ? _chem_comp.pdbx_replaces ? _chem_comp.formula_weight 28.010 _chem_comp.one_letter_code ? _chem_comp.three_letter_code CMO _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_details ? _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_missing_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_details ? _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_missing_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_db_code 1BZR _chem_comp.pdbx_subcomponent_list ? _chem_comp.pdbx_processing_site EBI # loop_ _chem_comp_atom.comp_id _chem_comp_atom.atom_id _chem_comp_atom.alt_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol _chem_comp_atom.charge _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_align _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_backbone_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_n_terminal_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_c_terminal_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_comp_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal CMO C C C -1 1 N N N N N N -0.296 8.526 17.112 0.607 0.000 0.000 C CMO 1 CMO O O O 1 1 N N N N N N 0.023 7.997 18.053 -0.600 0.000 0.000 O CMO 2 # _chem_comp_bond.comp_id CMO _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 C _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 O _chem_comp_bond.value_order TRIP _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag N _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config N _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal 1 # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.type _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.descriptor CMO SMILES ACDLabs 10.04 "[O+]#[C-]" CMO SMILES_CANONICAL CACTVS 3.341 "[C-]#[O+]" CMO SMILES CACTVS 3.341 "[C-]#[O+]" CMO SMILES_CANONICAL "OpenEye OEToolkits" 1.5.0 "[C-]#[O+]" CMO SMILES "OpenEye OEToolkits" 1.5.0 "[C-]#[O+]" CMO InChI InChI 1.03 InChI=1S/CO/c1-2 CMO InChIKey InChI 1.03 UGFAIRIUMAVXCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.type _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.identifier CMO "SYSTEMATIC NAME" ACDLabs 10.04 "carbon monooxide" CMO "SYSTEMATIC NAME" "OpenEye OEToolkits" 1.5.0 "carbon monoxide" # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.action_type _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.processing_site CMO 'Create component' 1999-07-08 EBI CMO 'Modify descriptor' 2011-06-04 RCSB # _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_details.comp_id CMO _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_details.drugbank_id DB11588 _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_details.type 'small molecule' 'Carbon monoxide' _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_details.description "Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that has a slightly lower density than air. It is toxic to hemoglobin utilizing animals (including humans), when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm, although it is also formed in normal animal metabolism in low quantities, and is thought to have some normal biological/homeostatic functions [L2529]. Carbon monoxide (CO), is a ubiquitous environmental product of organic combustion, which is also formed endogenously in the human body, as the byproduct of heme metabolism [A32758]. Exhaled CO (eCO), similar to exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), has been evaluated as a candidate breath biomarker of pathophysiological states, including smoking status, and inflammatory diseases of the lung and other organs. Exhalation of corbon monoxide values have been studied as potential indicators of inflammation in asthma, stable COPD and exacerbations, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, and during surgery or critical care [L2529]. A test of the diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO), is one of the most clinically valuable tests of lung function testing. The technique was first described 100 years ago, and applied to clinical practice many years after. The DLCO measures the ability of the lungs to transfer gas from inhaled air to the red blood cells in pulmonary capillaries. The DLCO test is both convenient and simple for the patient to undergo. The ten seconds of breath-holding required for the DLCO maneuver is easier for most patients to perform than the forced exhalation required for other respiratory tests [L2557]. Carbon monoxide is presently used in small amounts in low oxygen modified atmosphere packaging systems (MAP) for fresh meat to stabilize and maintain natural meat color. This use of CO has been generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in several packaging applications for fresh meat products. Since 2002, FDA has favorably reviewed three GRAS notifications for carbon monoxide use in fresh meat packaging [L2537]. The FDA classifies this drug as permitted as a food additive in the packaging and preparation of food products, while following the federal code of regulations [L2531]. There have been several concerns voiced of over the use of carbon monoxide in food products [L2537], [L2538], [L2539]. The European Union has banned the use of carbon monoxide as a color stabilizer in meat and fish. A December 2001 report from the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Food concluded that the gas did not pose a risk provided that food was maintained adequately cold during storage and transport to prevent the growth of microorganisms [L2538]. In New Zealand, the use of carbon monoxide in fish preparation has been banned, as it may mask the effects of food spoilage and bacterial growth [L2539]." _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_details.cas_number 630-08-0 _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_details.mechanism_of_action 'In respiratory testing, the diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) is a measure of the ability of gas to transfer from the alveoli across the alveolar epithelium and the capillary endothelium to the red blood cells. The DLCO depends not only on the area and thickness of the blood-gas barrier but additionally on the volume of blood in the pulmonary capillaries. The distribution of alveolar volume and ventilation also has an impact on the measurement [L2558]. DLCO is measured by sampling end-expiratory gas for carbon monoxide (CO) after patients inspire a small and safe amount of exogenous CO, hold their breath, and exhale. Measured DLCO is adjusted for alveolar volume (which is estimated from dilution of helium) and the patient’s hematocrit level. DLCO is reported as mL/min/mm Hg and as a percentage of a predicted value [A32759]. Carbon monoxide exerts effects on cell metabolism through both hypoxic and non-hypoxic modes of action. Both mechanisms of action are thought to be the result of the ability of carbon monoxide to bind strongly to heme and alter the function and/or metabolism of heme proteins. The binding affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is more than 200 times greater than that of oxygen for hemoglobin. The formation of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) decreases the O2 carrying capacity of blood and disrupts the release of O2 from Hb for its use in tissues. Through similar mechanisms, carbon monoxide diminishes the O2 storage in muscle cells by binding to and displacing O2 from, myoglobin. Though all human tissues are vulnerable to carbon monoxide-induced hypoxic injury, those with the highest O2 demand are especially vulnerable, including the brain and heart [L2550]. Most of the non-hypoxic mechanisms of action of carbon monoxide have been thought to be due to binding of carbon monoxide to heme in proteins other than Hb. The most notable targets of carbon monoxide include components of many important physiological regulatory systems, including brain and muscle oxygen storage and use(myoglobin, neuroglobin); nitric oxide cell signaling (e.g., nitric oxide synthase, guanylyl cyclase); prostaglandin cell signaling (cyclooxygenase, prostaglandin H synthase); energy metabolism and mitochondrial respiration (cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome c, NADPH oxidase); steroid and drug metabolism (cytochrome P450); cellular redox balance and reactive oxygen species (ROS; catalase, peroxidases); and numerous transcription factors (e.g., neuronal PAS domain protein, NPAS2, implicated in regulation of circadian rhythm) [L2550]. In meat processing, carbon monoxide reacts with myoglobin, to form carboxymyoglobin, imparting a red appearance to the meat [L2540].' # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_synonyms.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_synonyms.provenance _pdbe_chem_comp_synonyms.type CMO 'Carbon monoxide' DrugBank ? CMO 'carbon(II) oxide' DrugBank ? CMO 'Carboneum oxygenisatum' DrugBank ? CMO CO DrugBank ? # _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.comp_id CMO _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.drugbank_id DB11588 _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.parent 'Homogeneous other non-metal compounds' _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.kingdom 'Inorganic compounds' _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.class 'Homogeneous other non-metal compounds' _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.superclass 'Homogeneous non-metal compounds' _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_classification.description "This compound belongs to the class of inorganic compounds known as homogeneous other non-metal compounds. These are inorganic non-metallic compounds in which the largest atom belongs to the class of 'other non-metals'." # _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_targets.comp_id CMO _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_targets.drugbank_id DB11588 Myoglobin _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_targets.organism Humans _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_targets.uniprot_id P02144 _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_targets.pharmacologically_active yes _pdbe_chem_comp_drugbank_targets.ordinal 1 # loop_ _software.version _software.description rdkit 2023.03.3 'Core functionality.' pdbeccdutils 0.8.4 'Wrapper to provide 2D templates and molecular fragments.' # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.element _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.model_Cartn_x _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.model_Cartn_y _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.pdbx_ordinal CMO C C 3.000 0.000 1 CMO O O 4.500 0.000 2 # _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.comp_id CMO _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.atom_id_1 C _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.atom_id_2 O _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.value_order TRIPLE _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.bond_dir NONE _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.pdbx_ordinal 1 # # # _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.comp_id CMO _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.exactmw 27.995 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.amw 28.010 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.lipinskiHBA 1 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.lipinskiHBD 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumRotatableBonds 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHBD 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHBA 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHeavyAtoms 2 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAtoms 2 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHeteroatoms 1 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAmideBonds 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.FractionCSP3 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumRings 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAromaticRings 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAliphaticRings 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumSaturatedRings 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHeterocycles 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAromaticHeterocycles 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumSaturatedHeterocycles 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAliphaticHeterocycles 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumSpiroAtoms 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumBridgeheadAtoms 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAtomStereoCenters 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumUnspecifiedAtomStereoCenters 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.labuteASA 12.620 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.tpsa 19.900 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.CrippenClogP -0.038 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.CrippenMR 3.929 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi0v 0.908 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi1v 0.204 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi2v 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi3v 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi4v 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi0n 0.908 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi1n 0.204 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi2n 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi3n 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi4n 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.hallKierAlpha -0.260 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.kappa1 1.740 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.kappa2 0.740 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.kappa3 -6.106 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.Phi 0.644 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.source _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.resource _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.resource_id CMO UniChem ChEMBL CHEMBL1231840 CMO UniChem DrugBank DB11588 CMO UniChem PDBe CMO CMO UniChem 'KEGG LIGAND' C00237 CMO UniChem ChEBI 17245 CMO UniChem eMolecules 3716409 CMO UniChem fdasrs 7U1EE4V452 CMO UniChem SureChEMBL SCHEMBL1110 CMO UniChem HMDB HMDB0001361 CMO UniChem 'PubChem TPHARMA' 15320958 CMO UniChem NMRShiftDB 60020796 CMO UniChem ACTor 153929-54-5 CMO UniChem Recon co CMO UniChem Nikkaji J1.401.546I CMO UniChem 'EPA CompTox Dashboard' DTXSID5027273 CMO UniChem MetaboLights MTBLC17245 CMO UniChem BRENDA 176 CMO UniChem BRENDA 3261 CMO UniChem Rhea 17245 CMO UniChem ChemicalBook CB1300110 CMO UniChem DailyMed 'CARBON MONOXIDE' CMO UniChem ClinicalTrials 'CARBON MONOXIDE' CMO UniChem rxnorm 'CARBON MONOXIDE' CMO UniChem 'Probes And Drugs' PD039106 CMO UniChem PubChem 281 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.Cartn_x_rdkit _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.Cartn_y_rdkit _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.Cartn_z_rdkit _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.rdkit_method _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.rdkit_ordinal CMO C 0.564 0.000 0.000 ETKDGv3 1 CMO O -0.564 0.000 0.000 ETKDGv3 2 #