data_TWV # TWV 4-({3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-1-yl}methyl)-N-hydroxybenzamide _chem_comp.type non-polymer _chem_comp.pdbx_type HETAIN _chem_comp.formula "C20 H23 N3 O2" _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id ? _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ? _chem_comp.pdbx_formal_charge 0 _chem_comp.pdbx_initial_date 2020-04-02 _chem_comp.pdbx_modified_date 2020-07-17 _chem_comp.pdbx_ambiguous_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_release_status REL _chem_comp.pdbx_replaced_by ? _chem_comp.pdbx_replaces ? _chem_comp.formula_weight 337.416 _chem_comp.one_letter_code ? _chem_comp.three_letter_code TWV _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_details ? _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_missing_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_details Corina _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_missing_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_db_code 6WDW _chem_comp.pdbx_subcomponent_list ? _chem_comp.pdbx_processing_site RCSB # loop_ _chem_comp_atom.comp_id _chem_comp_atom.atom_id _chem_comp_atom.alt_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol _chem_comp_atom.charge _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_align _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_backbone_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_n_terminal_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_c_terminal_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_comp_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal TWV C10 C1 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -28.203 -41.585 33.710 1.496 0.661 -0.956 C10 TWV 1 TWV C13 C2 C 0 1 N N N N N N -30.143 -40.847 30.728 4.766 1.141 -0.238 C13 TWV 2 TWV C15 C3 C 0 1 N N N N N N -30.317 -40.539 28.263 6.130 1.707 1.680 C15 TWV 3 TWV C17 C4 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -29.916 -40.123 33.913 2.222 -1.023 0.361 C17 TWV 4 TWV C20 C5 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -30.376 -38.075 35.841 1.371 -3.641 0.618 C20 TWV 5 TWV C21 C6 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -31.309 -38.309 34.796 2.430 -3.172 1.383 C21 TWV 6 TWV C22 C7 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -31.074 -39.307 33.865 2.856 -1.880 1.262 C22 TWV 7 TWV C24 C8 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -22.940 -40.412 35.544 -3.584 -1.066 -0.250 C24 TWV 8 TWV C03 C9 C 0 1 N N N N N N -21.167 -40.258 33.681 -5.343 0.493 0.577 C03 TWV 9 TWV C04 C10 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -22.591 -40.477 34.209 -4.068 0.238 -0.127 C04 TWV 10 TWV C05 C11 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -23.670 -40.673 33.300 -3.342 1.299 -0.671 C05 TWV 11 TWV C06 C12 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -25.002 -40.824 33.764 -2.153 1.054 -1.327 C06 TWV 12 TWV C07 C13 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -25.326 -40.759 35.137 -1.679 -0.241 -1.445 C07 TWV 13 TWV C08 C14 C 0 1 N N N N N N -26.722 -40.928 35.727 -0.380 -0.501 -2.162 C08 TWV 14 TWV C11 C15 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -29.388 -41.231 33.121 2.417 0.378 -0.022 C11 TWV 15 TWV C12 C16 C 0 1 N N N N N N -30.007 -41.850 31.899 3.455 1.321 0.529 C12 TWV 16 TWV C16 C17 C 0 1 N N N N N N -31.212 -42.580 29.302 6.971 2.088 -0.558 C16 TWV 17 TWV C18 C18 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -28.986 -39.863 34.991 1.148 -1.493 -0.418 C18 TWV 18 TWV C19 C19 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -29.227 -38.851 35.936 0.731 -2.812 -0.278 C19 TWV 19 TWV C23 C20 C 0 1 Y N N N N N -24.251 -40.557 35.993 -2.394 -1.297 -0.908 C23 TWV 20 TWV N02 N1 N 0 1 N N N N N N -20.258 -39.553 34.583 -5.807 1.753 0.694 N02 TWV 21 TWV N09 N2 N 0 1 Y N N N N N -27.902 -40.784 34.847 0.727 -0.443 -1.204 N09 TWV 22 TWV N14 N3 N 0 1 N N N N N N -30.108 -41.537 29.379 5.778 2.060 0.299 N14 TWV 23 TWV O01 O1 O 0 1 N N N N N N -18.999 -39.297 34.122 -7.028 1.998 1.368 O01 TWV 24 TWV O25 O2 O 0 1 N N N N N N -20.811 -40.528 32.576 -5.972 -0.433 1.050 O25 TWV 25 TWV H1 H1 H 0 1 N N N N N N -27.569 -42.382 33.352 1.376 1.620 -1.438 H1 TWV 26 TWV H2 H2 H 0 1 N N N N N N -29.313 -40.127 30.780 5.114 0.113 -0.127 H2 TWV 27 TWV H3 H3 H 0 1 N N N N N N -31.099 -40.312 30.828 4.602 1.357 -1.294 H3 TWV 28 TWV H4 H4 H 0 1 N N N N N N -29.527 -39.774 28.301 6.828 2.445 2.077 H4 TWV 29 TWV H5 H5 H 0 1 N N N N N N -30.277 -41.059 27.294 5.229 1.694 2.293 H5 TWV 30 TWV H6 H6 H 0 1 N N N N N N -31.299 -40.058 28.381 6.595 0.722 1.696 H6 TWV 31 TWV H7 H7 H 0 1 N N N N N N -30.560 -37.293 36.563 1.046 -4.665 0.725 H7 TWV 32 TWV H8 H8 H 0 1 N N N N N N -32.203 -37.708 34.727 2.921 -3.835 2.081 H8 TWV 33 TWV H9 H9 H 0 1 N N N N N N -31.796 -39.469 33.078 3.681 -1.522 1.861 H9 TWV 34 TWV H10 H10 H 0 1 N N N N N N -22.161 -40.241 36.273 -4.138 -1.891 0.172 H10 TWV 35 TWV H11 H11 H 0 1 N N N N N N -23.471 -40.707 32.239 -3.711 2.310 -0.580 H11 TWV 36 TWV H12 H12 H 0 1 N N N N N N -25.791 -40.994 33.046 -1.592 1.874 -1.748 H12 TWV 37 TWV H13 H13 H 0 1 N N N N N N -26.825 -40.180 36.527 -0.410 -1.488 -2.622 H13 TWV 38 TWV H14 H14 H 0 1 N N N N N N -26.767 -41.938 36.161 -0.232 0.255 -2.933 H14 TWV 39 TWV H15 H15 H 0 1 N N N N N N -31.008 -42.223 32.162 3.619 1.105 1.585 H15 TWV 40 TWV H16 H16 H 0 1 N N N N N N -29.377 -42.690 31.572 3.108 2.349 0.418 H16 TWV 41 TWV H17 H17 H 0 1 N N N N N N -31.078 -43.317 30.107 7.402 1.089 -0.614 H17 TWV 42 TWV H18 H18 H 0 1 N N N N N N -32.189 -42.088 29.415 6.693 2.420 -1.558 H18 TWV 43 TWV H19 H19 H 0 1 N N N N N N -31.168 -43.089 28.328 7.704 2.777 -0.138 H19 TWV 44 TWV H20 H20 H 0 1 N N N N N N -28.521 -38.677 36.734 -0.091 -3.186 -0.870 H20 TWV 45 TWV H21 H21 H 0 1 N N N N N N -24.440 -40.510 37.055 -2.016 -2.305 -0.999 H21 TWV 46 TWV H22 H22 H 0 1 N N N N N N -20.546 -39.271 35.498 -5.305 2.492 0.316 H22 TWV 47 TWV H24 H24 H 0 1 N N N N N N -18.917 -39.616 33.231 -7.279 2.931 1.401 H24 TWV 48 # loop_ _chem_comp_bond.comp_id _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_bond.value_order _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal TWV C15 N14 SING N N 1 TWV C16 N14 SING N N 2 TWV N14 C13 SING N N 3 TWV C13 C12 SING N N 4 TWV C12 C11 SING N N 5 TWV O25 C03 DOUB N N 6 TWV C11 C10 DOUB Y N 7 TWV C11 C17 SING Y N 8 TWV C05 C06 DOUB Y N 9 TWV C05 C04 SING Y N 10 TWV C03 C04 SING N N 11 TWV C03 N02 SING N N 12 TWV C10 N09 SING Y N 13 TWV C06 C07 SING Y N 14 TWV C22 C17 DOUB Y N 15 TWV C22 C21 SING Y N 16 TWV C17 C18 SING Y N 17 TWV O01 N02 SING N N 18 TWV C04 C24 DOUB Y N 19 TWV C21 C20 DOUB Y N 20 TWV N09 C18 SING Y N 21 TWV N09 C08 SING N N 22 TWV C18 C19 DOUB Y N 23 TWV C07 C08 SING N N 24 TWV C07 C23 DOUB Y N 25 TWV C24 C23 SING Y N 26 TWV C20 C19 SING Y N 27 TWV C10 H1 SING N N 28 TWV C13 H2 SING N N 29 TWV C13 H3 SING N N 30 TWV C15 H4 SING N N 31 TWV C15 H5 SING N N 32 TWV C15 H6 SING N N 33 TWV C20 H7 SING N N 34 TWV C21 H8 SING N N 35 TWV C22 H9 SING N N 36 TWV C24 H10 SING N N 37 TWV C05 H11 SING N N 38 TWV C06 H12 SING N N 39 TWV C08 H13 SING N N 40 TWV C08 H14 SING N N 41 TWV C12 H15 SING N N 42 TWV C12 H16 SING N N 43 TWV C16 H17 SING N N 44 TWV C16 H18 SING N N 45 TWV C16 H19 SING N N 46 TWV C19 H20 SING N N 47 TWV C23 H21 SING N N 48 TWV N02 H22 SING N N 49 TWV O01 H24 SING N N 50 # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.type _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.descriptor TWV SMILES ACDLabs 12.01 c3n(Cc1ccc(cc1)C(NO)=O)c2c(cccc2)c3CCN(C)C TWV InChI InChI 1.03 InChI=1S/C20H23N3O2/c1-22(2)12-11-17-14-23(19-6-4-3-5-18(17)19)13-15-7-9-16(10-8-15)20(24)21-25/h3-10,14,25H,11-13H2,1-2H3,(H,21,24) TWV InChIKey InChI 1.03 OQQDAERWKGMJMN-UHFFFAOYSA-N TWV SMILES_CANONICAL CACTVS 3.385 CN(C)CCc1cn(Cc2ccc(cc2)C(=O)NO)c3ccccc13 TWV SMILES CACTVS 3.385 CN(C)CCc1cn(Cc2ccc(cc2)C(=O)NO)c3ccccc13 TWV SMILES_CANONICAL "OpenEye OEToolkits" 2.0.7 CN(C)CCc1cn(c2c1cccc2)Cc3ccc(cc3)C(=O)NO TWV SMILES "OpenEye OEToolkits" 2.0.7 CN(C)CCc1cn(c2c1cccc2)Cc3ccc(cc3)C(=O)NO # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.type _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.identifier TWV "SYSTEMATIC NAME" ACDLabs 12.01 4-({3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-1-yl}methyl)-N-hydroxybenzamide TWV "SYSTEMATIC NAME" "OpenEye OEToolkits" 2.0.7 4-[[3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]indol-1-yl]methyl]-~{N}-oxidanyl-benzamide # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.action_type _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.processing_site TWV 'Create component' 2020-04-02 RCSB TWV 'Initial release' 2020-07-22 RCSB # loop_ _software.version _software.description rdkit 2023.03.3 'Core functionality.' pdbeccdutils 0.8.4 'Wrapper to provide 2D templates and molecular fragments.' # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.element _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.model_Cartn_x _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.model_Cartn_y _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.pdbx_ordinal TWV C10 C 7.893 0.502 1 TWV C13 C 8.951 3.445 2 TWV C15 C 10.885 5.180 3 TWV C17 C 5.598 1.252 4 TWV C20 C 3.000 -0.248 5 TWV C21 C 3.000 1.252 6 TWV C22 C 4.299 2.002 7 TWV C24 C 11.421 -1.633 8 TWV C03 C 13.354 -3.368 9 TWV C04 C 11.887 -3.058 10 TWV C05 C 10.885 -4.175 11 TWV C06 C 9.417 -3.865 12 TWV C07 C 8.951 -2.440 13 TWV C08 C 7.483 -2.130 14 TWV C11 C 7.018 1.710 15 TWV C12 C 7.483 3.135 16 TWV C16 C 8.415 5.987 17 TWV C18 C 5.598 -0.248 18 TWV C19 C 4.299 -0.998 19 TWV C23 C 9.953 -1.323 20 TWV N02 N 13.820 -4.793 21 TWV N09 N 7.018 -0.705 22 TWV N14 N 9.417 4.870 23 TWV O01 O 15.288 -5.103 24 TWV O25 O 14.356 -2.251 25 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.atom_id_1 _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.atom_id_2 _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.value_order _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.bond_dir _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.pdbx_ordinal TWV C15 N14 SINGLE NONE 1 TWV C16 N14 SINGLE NONE 2 TWV N14 C13 SINGLE NONE 3 TWV C13 C12 SINGLE NONE 4 TWV C12 C11 SINGLE NONE 5 TWV O25 C03 DOUBLE NONE 6 TWV C11 C10 DOUBLE NONE 7 TWV C11 C17 SINGLE NONE 8 TWV C05 C06 DOUBLE NONE 9 TWV C05 C04 SINGLE NONE 10 TWV C03 C04 SINGLE NONE 11 TWV C03 N02 SINGLE NONE 12 TWV C10 N09 SINGLE NONE 13 TWV C06 C07 SINGLE NONE 14 TWV C22 C17 DOUBLE NONE 15 TWV C22 C21 SINGLE NONE 16 TWV C17 C18 SINGLE NONE 17 TWV O01 N02 SINGLE NONE 18 TWV C04 C24 DOUBLE NONE 19 TWV C21 C20 DOUBLE NONE 20 TWV N09 C18 SINGLE NONE 21 TWV N09 C08 SINGLE NONE 22 TWV C18 C19 DOUBLE NONE 23 TWV C07 C08 SINGLE NONE 24 TWV C07 C23 DOUBLE NONE 25 TWV C24 C23 SINGLE NONE 26 TWV C20 C19 SINGLE NONE 27 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_name _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_type _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_smiles _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_inchis _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_inchikeys TWV MurckoScaffold S1 scaffold c1ccc(Cn2ccc3ccccc32)cc1 InChI=1S/C15H13N/c1-2-6-13(7-3-1)12-16-11-10-14-8-4-5-9-15(14)16/h1-11H,12H2 NJZQOCCEDXRQJM-UHFFFAOYSA-N TWV amide F1 fragment CC(N)=O InChI=1S/C2H5NO/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H2,3,4) DLFVBJFMPXGRIB-UHFFFAOYSA-N TWV indole F2 fragment 'c1ccc2[nH]ccc2c1' InChI=1S/C8H7N/c1-2-4-8-7(3-1)5-6-9-8/h1-6,9H SIKJAQJRHWYJAI-UHFFFAOYSA-N TWV phenyl F3 fragment c1ccccc1 InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H UHOVQNZJYSORNB-UHFFFAOYSA-N TWV pyrrole F4 fragment 'c1cc[nH]c1' InChI=1S/C4H5N/c1-2-4-5-3-1/h1-5H KAESVJOAVNADME-UHFFFAOYSA-N # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.substructure_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.substructure_ordinal TWV C10 S1 1 TWV C17 S1 1 TWV C20 S1 1 TWV C21 S1 1 TWV C22 S1 1 TWV C24 S1 1 TWV C04 S1 1 TWV C05 S1 1 TWV C06 S1 1 TWV C07 S1 1 TWV C08 S1 1 TWV C11 S1 1 TWV C18 S1 1 TWV C19 S1 1 TWV C23 S1 1 TWV N09 S1 1 TWV N02 F1 1 TWV C03 F1 1 TWV O25 F1 1 TWV C04 F1 1 TWV C18 F2 1 TWV C17 F2 1 TWV C11 F2 1 TWV C10 F2 1 TWV N09 F2 1 TWV C22 F2 1 TWV C21 F2 1 TWV C20 F2 1 TWV C19 F2 1 TWV C17 F3 1 TWV C22 F3 1 TWV C21 F3 1 TWV C20 F3 1 TWV C19 F3 1 TWV C18 F3 1 TWV C24 F3 2 TWV C04 F3 2 TWV C05 F3 2 TWV C06 F3 2 TWV C07 F3 2 TWV C23 F3 2 TWV C10 F4 1 TWV C11 F4 1 TWV C17 F4 1 TWV C18 F4 1 TWV N09 F4 1 # _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.comp_id TWV _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.exactmw 337.179 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.amw 337.423 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.lipinskiHBA 5 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.lipinskiHBD 2 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumRotatableBonds 9 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHBD 2 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHBA 4 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHeavyAtoms 25 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAtoms 48 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHeteroatoms 5 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAmideBonds 1 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.FractionCSP3 0.250 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumRings 3 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAromaticRings 3 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAliphaticRings 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumSaturatedRings 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumHeterocycles 1 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAromaticHeterocycles 1 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumSaturatedHeterocycles 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAliphaticHeterocycles 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumSpiroAtoms 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumBridgeheadAtoms 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumAtomStereoCenters 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.NumUnspecifiedAtomStereoCenters 0 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.labuteASA 179.457 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.tpsa 57.500 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.CrippenClogP 2.320 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.CrippenMR 95.989 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi0v 12.158 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi1v 6.452 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi2v 2.803 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi3v 2.803 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi4v 1.797 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi0n 35.158 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi1n 17.807 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi2n 2.803 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi3n 2.803 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.chi4n 1.797 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.hallKierAlpha -2.630 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.kappa1 4.553 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.kappa2 7.506 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.kappa3 3.895 _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_properties.Phi 1.367 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.source _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.resource _pdbe_chem_comp_external_mappings.resource_id TWV UniChem ChEMBL CHEMBL3907295 TWV UniChem PDBe TWV TWV UniChem SureChEMBL SCHEMBL12472934 TWV UniChem 'PubChem TPHARMA' 144112399 TWV UniChem BindingDb 218176 TWV UniChem PubChem 60164834 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.Cartn_x_rdkit _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.Cartn_y_rdkit _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.Cartn_z_rdkit _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.rdkit_method _pdbe_chem_comp_rdkit_conformer.rdkit_ordinal TWV C10 -1.619 0.082 -1.977 ETKDGv3 1 TWV C13 -2.806 0.054 1.172 ETKDGv3 2 TWV C15 -2.099 2.379 0.998 ETKDGv3 3 TWV C17 -1.685 -2.021 -1.152 ETKDGv3 4 TWV C20 0.041 -4.186 -1.474 ETKDGv3 5 TWV C21 -1.026 -4.289 -0.651 ETKDGv3 6 TWV C22 -1.947 -3.136 -0.465 ETKDGv3 7 TWV C24 1.792 2.374 -0.075 ETKDGv3 8 TWV C03 3.221 2.064 1.898 ETKDGv3 9 TWV C04 2.623 1.583 0.629 ETKDGv3 10 TWV C05 2.935 0.226 0.107 ETKDGv3 11 TWV C06 2.378 -0.209 -1.029 ETKDGv3 12 TWV C07 1.441 0.656 -1.784 ETKDGv3 13 TWV C08 0.721 0.111 -2.988 ETKDGv3 14 TWV C11 -2.329 -0.713 -1.166 ETKDGv3 15 TWV C12 -3.392 -0.237 -0.219 ETKDGv3 16 TWV C16 -0.789 0.817 2.275 ETKDGv3 17 TWV C18 -0.546 -1.905 -2.025 ETKDGv3 18 TWV C19 0.309 -2.918 -2.204 ETKDGv3 19 TWV C23 1.165 1.886 -1.319 ETKDGv3 20 TWV N02 3.675 1.144 2.898 ETKDGv3 21 TWV N09 -0.492 -0.588 -2.566 ETKDGv3 22 TWV N14 -1.652 0.979 1.094 ETKDGv3 23 TWV O01 4.305 1.598 4.008 ETKDGv3 24 TWV O25 3.321 3.303 2.113 ETKDGv3 25 TWV H1 -1.799 1.144 -2.087 ETKDGv3 26 TWV H2 -2.494 -0.923 1.607 ETKDGv3 27 TWV H3 -3.604 0.458 1.835 ETKDGv3 28 TWV H4 -1.220 3.054 0.903 ETKDGv3 29 TWV H5 -2.715 2.530 0.088 ETKDGv3 30 TWV H6 -2.689 2.679 1.892 ETKDGv3 31 TWV H7 0.709 -5.028 -1.601 ETKDGv3 32 TWV H8 -1.212 -5.213 -0.119 ETKDGv3 33 TWV H9 -2.791 -3.199 0.208 ETKDGv3 34 TWV H10 1.537 3.367 0.276 ETKDGv3 35 TWV H11 3.634 -0.418 0.624 ETKDGv3 36 TWV H12 2.618 -1.198 -1.397 ETKDGv3 37 TWV H13 0.447 0.935 -3.683 ETKDGv3 38 TWV H14 1.383 -0.578 -3.553 ETKDGv3 39 TWV H15 -3.890 0.667 -0.627 ETKDGv3 40 TWV H16 -4.171 -1.024 -0.126 ETKDGv3 41 TWV H17 -0.347 -0.203 2.284 ETKDGv3 42 TWV H18 0.058 1.535 2.240 ETKDGv3 43 TWV H19 -1.361 0.978 3.216 ETKDGv3 44 TWV H20 1.169 -2.828 -2.853 ETKDGv3 45 TWV H21 0.458 2.526 -1.834 ETKDGv3 46 TWV H22 3.463 0.125 2.825 ETKDGv3 47 TWV H24 5.270 1.560 3.785 ETKDGv3 48 #