data_WJS # WJS "(2~{S})-2-$l^{4}-azanyl-3-[[(2~{R})-3-octadecanoyloxy-2-oxidanyl-propoxy]-oxidanyl-oxidanylidene-$l^{6}-phosphanyl]oxy-propanoic acid" _chem_comp.type non-polymer _chem_comp.pdbx_type HETAIN _chem_comp.formula "C24 H20 N O9 P" _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id ? _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ? _chem_comp.pdbx_formal_charge 0 _chem_comp.pdbx_initial_date 2020-10-30 _chem_comp.pdbx_modified_date 2020-11-06 _chem_comp.pdbx_ambiguous_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_release_status REL _chem_comp.pdbx_replaced_by ? _chem_comp.pdbx_replaces ? _chem_comp.formula_weight 497.391 _chem_comp.one_letter_code ? _chem_comp.three_letter_code WJS _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_details ? _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_missing_flag Y _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_details Corina _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_missing_flag Y _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_db_code 6WM2 _chem_comp.pdbx_subcomponent_list ? _chem_comp.pdbx_processing_site RCSB # loop_ _chem_comp_atom.comp_id _chem_comp_atom.atom_id _chem_comp_atom.alt_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol _chem_comp_atom.charge _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_align _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_backbone_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_n_terminal_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_c_terminal_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_comp_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal WJS P25 P1 P 0 1 N N N N N N 242.527 245.675 219.084 ? ? ? P25 WJS 1 WJS C09 C1 C 0 1 N N N N N N 253.416 259.492 223.179 ? ? ? C09 WJS 2 WJS C10 C2 C 0 1 N N N N N N 252.967 258.117 222.590 ? ? ? C10 WJS 3 WJS C11 C3 C 0 1 N N N N N N 251.506 257.646 222.896 ? ? ? C11 WJS 4 WJS C12 C4 C 0 1 N N N N N N 251.145 256.183 222.537 ? ? ? C12 WJS 5 WJS C13 C5 C 0 1 N N N N N N 251.903 255.520 221.350 ? ? ? C13 WJS 6 WJS C14 C6 C 0 1 N N N N N N 251.625 254.000 221.099 ? ? ? C14 WJS 7 WJS C15 C7 C 0 1 N N N N N N 250.357 253.387 221.731 ? ? ? C15 WJS 8 WJS C16 C8 C 0 1 N N N N N N 249.342 252.809 220.722 ? ? ? C16 WJS 9 WJS C17 C9 C 0 1 N N N N N N 248.271 251.914 221.350 ? ? ? C17 WJS 10 WJS C18 C10 C 0 1 N N N N N N 247.212 251.461 220.369 ? ? ? C18 WJS 11 WJS O19 O1 O 0 1 N N N N N N 247.149 251.864 219.215 ? ? ? O19 WJS 12 WJS O20 O2 O 0 1 N N N N N N 246.330 250.576 220.852 ? ? ? O20 WJS 13 WJS C21 C11 C 0 1 N N N N N N 245.289 250.083 220.037 ? ? ? C21 WJS 14 WJS C22 C12 C 0 1 N N R N N N 245.199 248.539 220.146 ? ? ? C22 WJS 15 WJS C23 C13 C 0 1 N N N N N N 243.840 247.952 219.663 ? ? ? C23 WJS 16 WJS O24 O3 O 0 1 N N N N N N 243.983 246.653 219.253 ? ? ? O24 WJS 17 WJS O26 O4 O 0 1 N N N N N N 241.643 246.589 218.311 ? ? ? O26 WJS 18 WJS O27 O5 O 0 1 N N N N N N 242.258 245.251 220.484 ? ? ? O27 WJS 19 WJS O28 O6 O 0 1 N N N N N N 242.898 244.350 218.169 ? ? ? O28 WJS 20 WJS C29 C14 C 0 1 N N N N N N 242.526 243.030 218.481 ? ? ? C29 WJS 21 WJS C30 C15 C 0 1 N N S N N N 241.184 242.575 217.788 ? ? ? C30 WJS 22 WJS C31 C16 C 0 1 N N N N N N 241.210 241.090 217.254 ? ? ? C31 WJS 23 WJS O32 O7 O 0 1 N N N N N N 242.168 240.752 216.519 ? ? ? O32 WJS 24 WJS O33 O8 O 0 1 N N N N N N 240.294 240.296 217.561 ? ? ? O33 WJS 25 WJS N34 N1 N 0 1 N N N N N N 240.093 242.689 218.780 ? ? ? N34 WJS 26 WJS O35 O9 O 0 1 N N N N N N 245.530 248.226 221.445 ? ? ? O35 WJS 27 WJS H1 H1 H 0 1 N N N N N N 253.904 260.316 223.678 ? ? ? H1 WJS 28 WJS H4 H4 H 0 1 N N N N N N 253.638 257.515 221.995 ? ? ? H4 WJS 29 WJS H5 H5 H 0 1 N N N N N N 250.781 258.313 223.339 ? ? ? H5 WJS 30 WJS H6 H6 H 0 1 N N N N N N 250.393 255.641 223.091 ? ? ? H6 WJS 31 WJS H7 H7 H 0 1 N N N N N N 252.587 256.081 220.730 ? ? ? H7 WJS 32 WJS H16 H16 H 0 1 N N N N N N 245.485 250.361 218.991 ? ? ? H16 WJS 33 WJS H17 H17 H 0 1 N N N N N N 244.335 250.525 220.361 ? ? ? H17 WJS 34 WJS H18 H18 H 0 1 N N N N N N 245.971 248.132 219.477 ? ? ? H18 WJS 35 WJS H19 H19 H 0 1 N N N N N N 243.466 248.555 218.822 ? ? ? H19 WJS 36 WJS H20 H20 H 0 1 N N N N N N 243.117 247.990 220.491 ? ? ? H20 WJS 37 WJS H21 H21 H 0 1 N N N N N N 241.452 245.652 220.787 ? ? ? H21 WJS 38 WJS H22 H22 H 0 1 N N N N N N 242.399 242.952 219.571 ? ? ? H22 WJS 39 WJS H23 H23 H 0 1 N N N N N N 243.332 242.355 218.157 ? ? ? H23 WJS 40 WJS H24 H24 H 0 1 N N N N N N 240.986 243.246 216.939 ? ? ? H24 WJS 41 WJS H25 H25 H 0 1 N N N N N N 240.457 239.452 217.157 ? ? ? H25 WJS 42 WJS H26 H26 H 0 1 N N N N N N 240.058 243.624 219.132 ? ? ? H26 WJS 43 WJS H27 H27 H 0 1 N N N N N N 239.221 242.465 218.344 ? ? ? H27 WJS 44 WJS H28 H28 H 0 1 N N N N N N 240.261 242.055 219.535 ? ? ? H28 WJS 45 WJS H29 H29 H 0 1 N N N N N N 246.367 248.619 221.662 ? ? ? H29 WJS 46 WJS C8 C17 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C8 WJS 47 WJS C7 C18 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C7 WJS 48 WJS C6 C19 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C6 WJS 49 WJS C5 C20 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C5 WJS 50 WJS C4 C21 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C4 WJS 51 WJS C3 C22 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C3 WJS 52 WJS C2 C23 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C2 WJS 53 WJS C1 C24 C 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? C1 WJS 54 WJS H30 H30 H 0 1 N N N N N N ? ? ? ? ? ? H30 WJS 55 # loop_ _chem_comp_bond.comp_id _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_bond.value_order _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal WJS O32 C31 DOUB N N 1 WJS C31 O33 SING N N 2 WJS C31 C30 SING N N 3 WJS C30 C29 SING N N 4 WJS C30 N34 SING N N 5 WJS O28 C29 SING N N 6 WJS O28 P25 SING N N 7 WJS O26 P25 DOUB N N 8 WJS P25 O24 SING N N 9 WJS P25 O27 SING N N 10 WJS O19 C18 DOUB N N 11 WJS O24 C23 SING N N 12 WJS C23 C22 SING N N 13 WJS C21 C22 SING N N 14 WJS C21 O20 SING N N 15 WJS C22 O35 SING N N 16 WJS C18 O20 SING N N 17 WJS C18 C17 SING N N 18 WJS C16 C17 SING N N 19 WJS C16 C15 SING N N 20 WJS C14 C13 SING N N 21 WJS C14 C15 SING N N 22 WJS C13 C12 SING N N 23 WJS C12 C11 SING N N 24 WJS C10 C11 SING N N 25 WJS C10 C09 SING N N 26 WJS C09 H1 SING N N 27 WJS C10 H4 SING N N 28 WJS C11 H5 SING N N 29 WJS C12 H6 SING N N 30 WJS C13 H7 SING N N 31 WJS C21 H16 SING N N 32 WJS C21 H17 SING N N 33 WJS C22 H18 SING N N 34 WJS C23 H19 SING N N 35 WJS C23 H20 SING N N 36 WJS O27 H21 SING N N 37 WJS C29 H22 SING N N 38 WJS C29 H23 SING N N 39 WJS C30 H24 SING N N 40 WJS O33 H25 SING N N 41 WJS N34 H26 SING N N 42 WJS N34 H27 SING N N 43 WJS N34 H28 SING N N 44 WJS O35 H29 SING N N 45 WJS C09 C8 SING N N 46 WJS C8 C7 SING N N 47 WJS C7 C6 SING N N 48 WJS C6 C5 SING N N 49 WJS C5 C4 SING N N 50 WJS C4 C3 SING N N 51 WJS C3 C2 SING N N 52 WJS C2 C1 SING N N 53 WJS P25 H30 SING N N 54 # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.type _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.descriptor WJS InChI InChI 1.03 InChI=1S/C24H50NO9P/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-23(27)32-18-21(26)19-33-35(30,31)34-20-22(25)24(28)29/h21-22,26,35H,2-20H2,1,25H3,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)/t21-,22+/m1/s1 WJS InChIKey InChI 1.03 JFEXCESBNOAOBB-YADHBBJMSA-N WJS SMILES_CANONICAL CACTVS 3.385 "[C][C][C][C][C][C][C][C][CH][CH][CH][CH][CH][C][C][C][C]C(=O)OC[C@@H](O)CO[PH](O)(=O)OC[C@H]([NH3])C(O)=O" WJS SMILES CACTVS 3.385 "[C][C][C][C][C][C][C][C][CH][CH][CH][CH][CH][C][C][C][C]C(=O)OC[CH](O)CO[PH](O)(=O)OC[CH]([NH3])C(O)=O" WJS SMILES_CANONICAL "OpenEye OEToolkits" 2.0.7 "[C][C][C][C][C][C][C][C][CH][CH][CH][CH][CH][C][C][C][C]C(=O)OC[C@H](CO[PH](=O)(O)OC[C@@H](C(=O)O)[NH3])O" WJS SMILES "OpenEye OEToolkits" 2.0.7 "[C][C][C][C][C][C][C][C][CH][CH][CH][CH][CH][C][C][C][C]C(=O)OCC(CO[PH](=O)(O)OCC(C(=O)O)[NH3])O" # _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.comp_id WJS _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.type "SYSTEMATIC NAME" _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program "OpenEye OEToolkits" _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program_version 2.0.7 _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.identifier "(2~{S})-2-$l^{4}-azanyl-3-[[(2~{R})-3-octadecanoyloxy-2-oxidanyl-propoxy]-oxidanyl-oxidanylidene-$l^{6}-phosphanyl]oxy-propanoic acid" # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.action_type _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.processing_site WJS 'Create component' 2020-10-30 RCSB WJS 'Initial release' 2020-11-11 RCSB # loop_ _software.version _software.description rdkit 2023.09.6 'Core functionality.' pdbeccdutils 0.8.6 'Wrapper to provide 2D templates and molecular fragments.' # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.element _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.model_Cartn_x _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.model_Cartn_y _pdbe_chem_comp_atom_depiction.pdbx_ordinal WJS P25 P 4.683 -8.567 1 WJS C09 C -4.348 8.715 2 WJS C10 C -4.354 7.216 3 WJS C11 C -3.057 6.461 4 WJS C12 C -3.063 4.961 5 WJS C13 C -1.766 4.206 6 WJS C14 C -1.772 2.706 7 WJS C15 C -0.475 1.952 8 WJS C16 C -0.481 0.452 9 WJS C17 C 0.815 -0.303 10 WJS C18 C 0.810 -1.803 11 WJS O19 O -0.492 -2.548 12 WJS O20 O 2.106 -2.557 13 WJS C21 C 2.101 -4.057 14 WJS C22 C 3.397 -4.812 15 WJS C23 C 3.392 -6.312 16 WJS O24 O 4.688 -7.067 17 WJS O26 O 3.183 -8.561 18 WJS O27 O 6.183 -8.572 19 WJS O28 O 4.677 -10.067 20 WJS C29 C 5.974 -10.821 21 WJS C30 C 5.968 -12.321 22 WJS C31 C 7.265 -13.076 23 WJS O32 O 8.566 -12.331 24 WJS O33 O 7.259 -14.576 25 WJS N34 N 4.667 -13.066 26 WJS O35 O 4.699 -4.067 27 WJS C8 C -5.644 9.470 28 WJS C7 C -5.639 10.970 29 WJS C6 C -6.935 11.725 30 WJS C5 C -6.930 13.225 31 WJS C4 C -8.226 13.979 32 WJS C3 C -8.221 15.479 33 WJS C2 C -9.517 16.234 34 WJS C1 C -9.512 17.734 35 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.atom_id_1 _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.atom_id_2 _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.value_order _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.bond_dir _pdbe_chem_comp_bond_depiction.pdbx_ordinal WJS O32 C31 DOUBLE NONE 1 WJS C31 O33 SINGLE NONE 2 WJS C31 C30 SINGLE NONE 3 WJS C30 C29 SINGLE NONE 4 WJS C30 N34 SINGLE NONE 5 WJS O28 C29 SINGLE NONE 6 WJS O28 P25 SINGLE NONE 7 WJS O26 P25 DOUBLE NONE 8 WJS P25 O24 SINGLE NONE 9 WJS P25 O27 SINGLE NONE 10 WJS O19 C18 DOUBLE NONE 11 WJS O24 C23 SINGLE NONE 12 WJS C23 C22 SINGLE NONE 13 WJS C21 C22 SINGLE NONE 14 WJS C21 O20 SINGLE NONE 15 WJS C22 O35 SINGLE NONE 16 WJS C18 O20 SINGLE NONE 17 WJS C18 C17 SINGLE NONE 18 WJS C16 C17 SINGLE NONE 19 WJS C16 C15 SINGLE NONE 20 WJS C14 C13 SINGLE NONE 21 WJS C14 C15 SINGLE NONE 22 WJS C13 C12 SINGLE NONE 23 WJS C12 C11 SINGLE NONE 24 WJS C10 C11 SINGLE NONE 25 WJS C10 C09 SINGLE NONE 26 WJS C09 C8 SINGLE NONE 27 WJS C8 C7 SINGLE NONE 28 WJS C7 C6 SINGLE NONE 29 WJS C6 C5 SINGLE NONE 30 WJS C5 C4 SINGLE NONE 31 WJS C4 C3 SINGLE NONE 32 WJS C3 C2 SINGLE NONE 33 WJS C2 C1 SINGLE NONE 34 # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_name _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_type _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_smiles _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_inchis _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure.substructure_inchikeys WJS peptide F1 fragment NCC=O InChI=1S/C2H5NO/c3-1-2-4/h2H,1,3H2 LYIIBVSRGJSHAV-UHFFFAOYSA-N WJS phosphate F2 fragment O=P(O)(O)O InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4) NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-N # loop_ _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.comp_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.atom_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.substructure_id _pdbe_chem_comp_substructure_mapping.substructure_ordinal WJS O32 F1 1 WJS C31 F1 1 WJS C30 F1 1 WJS N34 F1 1 WJS O24 F2 1 WJS P25 F2 1 WJS O26 F2 1 WJS O28 F2 1 WJS O27 F2 1 # #