Online tutorial
The Ensembl REST API provides language-agnostic programmatic access to genomic data in the Ensembl database. This course uses Jupyter Notebooks hosted by Google Colab to walk you through the APIs and practise writing scripts to access these data. A video provides a brief overview of the REST API, endpoints and instructions on working with the Jupyter notebooks.
Who is this course for?
This is an intermediate to advanced level course and requires some familiarity with Ensembl, REST APIs and the ability to program in Python or R. We won’t teach you how to code in this course, just how to use your existing coding knowledge to access Ensembl data. If you would like an introduction to Ensembl then we recommend watching our Ensembl Browser Webinar Series.
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Describe the data types accessible through the Ensembl REST API
- Describe the methods in the Ensembl REST API
- Navigate the Ensembl REST API documentation to find available methods
- Write scripts to access data via the Ensembl REST API
What resources do I need?
To copy the Jupyter notebooks you will need to sign in with a (free) Google account, or you can download them if you have Jupyter installed. Please view the page 'Familiarise yourself with Jupyter Notebooks' for more details.
DOI: 10.6019/TOL.Ensembl_API-t.2018.00001.1
Course contents
How and when to access the course
All our courses are designed with flexibility in mind. You can access them for free at any time, just click on the "Enter Course" button.
It is up to you how you use the course; you can either study the full course or you can focus on sections that are relevant to you. To jump between sections, use the navigation bar on the left or the arrows at the bottom of the page. You can also choose whether to complete the course in one go, or over several visits.
The average time to read through the main body of the course is 3 hours (not including exercises and external links). The time may vary depending on your prior knowledge and how you choose to work through the course.
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You can track your progress and keep a record of any completed learning by creating an account. This will give you a 'My learning' page, which will have three main tabs to help keep track of your progress:
Favourite: To add online tutorials to your Favourite tab, you can 'Mark as Favourite' on the front page of online tutorials, allowing you to return and complete them in the future.
In progress: The courses which you have started reading will be added to your 'In progress' tab. Use the 'Mark as complete' button at the end of the course pages to get started.Your ‘In progress’ tab gets updated as you progress through the course and will show you what percentage of the course you have finished and will let you resume the course from where you left on your last visit.
Completed: The courses which you have finished entirely will be added to the 'Completed' tab.
The results you gain from completing quizzes and other interactive content will also be added to your My learning page.
You can register anytime here or click a 'Favourite' or 'Mark as complete' button to start tracking your progress.
You can still access all the online tutorials and interactive content if you do not register, but you will not be able to track your progress.
Making the most of the course
Learning something new takes time and practice. We encourage you to:
- Use the activities and quizzes to help you check your learning, recall and apply key concepts. Look out for these icons
Activities | Quizzes | Videos |
- Revisit sections as and when you need them. Bookmark relevant pages in your browser or use the navigation panel to jump the relevant section.
Getting help and providing feedback
If something isn’t working or if you have a question get in touch by contacting us at
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Learn more
You can explore other training on offer from EMBL-EBI on our website. We offer online courses, webinars, face-to-face courses and offsite training.