Course at EMBL-EBI

Bioinformatics for Principal Investigators

This course has been designed to provide Principal Investigators (PI's) working in the life sciences with an introduction to the challenges of working with biological data as a research leader.

Starting with a look at where bioinformatics and data science fits into their research teams, the course will enable PI’s to take a strategic look at the requirements for undertaking such work and how bioinformatics capacity can be developed from personnel through to computational needs.  It will additionally provide guidance on strategies for managing data, and the importance of data sharing; how to work with computational collaborators and what resources are available across the life sciences to support such work.

During this course we will not be teaching hands-on bioinformatics analysis, but we will be signposting appropriate training resources to upskill you and your team.

This course is organised in parallel with Managing a Bioinformatics Core Facility to maximise opportunities for networking. Shared sessions are highlighted in bold in the course programme.

In-person course
We plan to deliver this course in an in-person manner onsite at our training suite at EMBL-EBI, Hinxton.  Please be aware that we are continually evaluating the ongoing pandemic situation and, as such, may need to change the format of courses at short notice. Your safety is paramount to us; you can read our COVID guidance policy for more information. All information is correct at time of publishing.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at both new and established investigators who lead a research team which currently uses bioinformatics, or where bioinformatics will be a component in future research. No prior knowledge of bioinformatics, or experience of analysis is required for this course. Applications are invited from investigators working in all settings, including academic, clinical, and industrial organisations.

What will I learn?

Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to:

  • Define the potential and pitfalls of bioinformatics use in your research
  • Identify your team needs in terms of bioinformatics use and support
  • Develop appropriate plans for the management and sharing of data
  • Support the development of bioinformatics skills within your team


Alex Bateman
Cath Brooksbank
Sarah Butcher
Patricia Carvajal Lopez
Alexandra Holinski
Maira Ihsan
Lee Larcombe
Alexey Larionov
Crainfield University
Paula Martinez Lavanchy
Sarah Morgan
Dayane Rodrigues Araujo
Gabriella Rustici
Enrique Sapena Ventura
Fuqi Xu
Galabina Yordanova
Eirini Zormpa
This course has ended

08 - 10 June 2022
European Bioinformatics Institute
United Kingdom
Juanita Riveros

  • Lee Larcombe
  • Sarah Morgan
  • Patricia Carvajal Lopez

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