Course outside EMBL-EBI

CABANA Workshop: Introduction to Metagenomics

In this course participants will learn the basics of metagenomics, covering experimental design and workflows, moving through to microbiome analysis via metabarcoding and shotgun metagenomics. The course theme will be the use of metagenomics oriented to biodiversity.

The course will be delivered by experienced and dedicated world-renowned experts, including EMBL-EBI trainers, and will involve presentations, demonstrations and practical exercises to give participants hands-on experience.

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for postgraduate wet-lab researchers and also bioinformaticians at graduate-level upwards within Latin America who are working with and/or generating their own metagenomics datasets. 

Undergraduate-level knowledge of biology would be advantageous. Participants will also require a basic knowledge of the Unix command line, and the R statistical packages. We recommend these free tutorials:

Please note this course will be taught in English, however the trainers are fluent in either Spanish, and can offer language support where feasible.

A number of travel fellowships are available for this course - early-stage researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for CABANA travel fellowships. You can apply for travel fellowships via the course application form.

What will I learn?

Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to:

  • Use Unix and R tools for metagenomics analyses
  • Process metagenomics data
  • Use metagenomics databases
  • Annotate genome and metagenomes
  • Analyse metagenomic results

Course content

During this course you will learn about: 

  • Basic Unix and R environment for metagenomics
  • FastQC for Quality control and Trimmomatic for preprocessing
  • MGnify annotation pipeline for Metabarcoding
  • SPAdes and metaSPAdes for assembly, metaWRAP for binning
  • InterProScan and Genome Properties for genome and metagenome annotation
  • R tools for metagenomics analyses such as dada2, Phyloseq, ggplot2 and gggenes


Valeria Faggioli
INTA EEA Marcos Juárez, Argentina
Federico Vignale
FCEN-UBA, Argentina
Jonathan Zaiat
Marcelo Marti
FCEN-UBA, Argentina
Leonardo Erijman
FCEN-UBA, Argentina
Adrian Turjanski
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lorna Richardson
Alex Mitchell
Alejandro Reyes
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
This course has ended

02 - 06 December 2019
Faculty of Natural Sciences - University of Buenos Aires (FCEN-UBA)
ARS $1300
Derrin Crawte, Maria Bernardi

  • Piraveen Gopalasingam
  • Maria Bernardi
    FCEN-UBA, Argentina

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