Recorded webinar

Contributing to the UniProt Knowledgebase: how you can help

This webinar will present how the research community can contribute both literature references and annotation to the UniProt database of protein sequence and function (

First, we will provide an overview of the resource and then we will focus on describing the functionality to add publications and knowledge to protein entries, including a demo.

In this webinar you will also learn how your domain knowledge contribution improves the resource for the general community, and how it can be used as an alternative metric of your research output given that UniProt uses ORCID, a unique identifier for each researcher, as a mechanism for user validation and credit for these contributions.  

Who is this course for?

This webinar is aimed at scientists, clinicians, biocurators and students interested in protein related research. No knowledge of programming is required.


By the end of the webinar you will be able to:

  • explain how the research community can contribute to UniProt
  • add publications and knowledge to protein entries
  • describe how UniProt can be used as an alternative metric of research output

DOI_disc_logo DOI: 10.6019/TOL.UniProtContributing-w.2021.00001.1

EBI Resources

UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource

A comprehensive resource for protein sequence and functional annotation.

Duration: 00:44:31
06 May 2021
Anna Swan

  • Sandra Orchard

  • Cecilia Arighi
    Center of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, University of Delaware

Creative Commons

All materials are free cultural works licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, except where further licensing details are provided.

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