Course outside EMBL-EBI

PerMedCoE summer school: from pathway modelling tools to cell-level simulations

The course will combine lectures and hands-on exercises to:

  • Introduce attendees to key practicalities of working with high-performance computing (HPC) clusters
  • Build first-hand experience in using PerMedCoE modelling tools (CellNOpt, CARNIVAL, COBREXA, MaBoSS, PhysiCell and PhysiBoSS)
  • Develop a practical appreciation of using workflow managers and containerised PerMedCoE modelling tools to execute biomedical workflows

It will also include poster sessions where participants can present their work and plenty of time for interaction between participants and between participants and trainers.

This course will take place at the Hotel Montanyà in Seva, less than an hour away from Barcelona.

Visit the PerMedCoE summer school website for more information.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed primarily at PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers from Computational Biology, Systems Biology, or Life Sciences with an interest in the area of cell-level simulations, gaining first-hand experience in using diverse biomedical modelling tools, and how such tools could be used as part of workflows on HPC environments.

Previous experience of using Python and command-line interfaces are considered a benefit. Experience of using workflow managers is also beneficial, but not mandatory for attending the course.

Participants will need to bring their own laptop to the course. Further instructions will be provided after registration.

What will I learn?

Learning outcomes

At the end of these sessions, the participants will be able to:

  • Use a range of biological modeling and cell-level simulation software (CellNOpt, CARNIVAL, COBREXA, MaBoSS, PhysiCell, and PhysiBoSS)
  • Describe and execute basic workflows using PerMedCoE modelling tools on a high-performance computing (HPC) cluster
  • Discuss current trends and challenges in cell-level simulations


Davide Cirillo
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Javier Conejero
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Thalia Diniaco
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Åsmund Flobak
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Arnau Montagud
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Vincent Noël
Institut Curie
Henrik Nortamo
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd
Miguel Ponce de León
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Pablo Rodríguez Mier
University of Heidelberg
Marco Ruscone
Institut Curie
Dénes Türei
University of Heidelberg
This course has ended

25 - 30 June 2023
Hotel Montanyà
Juanita Riveros

  • Laurence Calzone
    Institut Curie
  • José Carbonell Caballero
    Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Jesse Harrison
    CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd
  • Marta Lloret Llinares
  • Daniel Vincent Thomas Lopez

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