Technical helpsheet

Technical requirements for data analysis

Some of the tools on this course utilise online, browser-based resources. You will find it useful to have a locally installed version of free molecular visualisation programs, we provide links below. Please note the links take you to external webpages not managed by EMBL.

The following tools were used for executing the practicals in this course:

R release – at least 4.2.1
FastQC release
Hisat 2 2.2.1
MultiQCLatest release
Cutadapt release (use pip package manager for Python packages for installing not conda)
Trim_galore release
Samtools release
SeqMonk release
R packagesDESeq2 edgeR Rtsne limma statmod fastseg (will be installed by SeqMonk when first launched)
Reference-based mapping data
Reference-based analysis data
De novo analysis data
Scallop release
Integrative genomics viewer release

During the live virtual course, most of these tools were installed on Virtual Machines with the Linux-based Operating System Ubuntu 20.04.