
Navigating Ensembl

After you have searched Ensembl with, for example, a gene name, you will be taken to the appropriate main page (or tab) (see ‘How to search Ensembl‘ for more information). The navigation of the Ensembl website is organised into tabs, or main pages (Figure 7). The location, gene, transcript, variant and regulation tabs allow data browsing at that level. For example, the gene tab provides information on one specific gene.

Figure 7 The navigation of the Ensembl website is divided into tabs, or summary pages.  Note: to get this figure, we opened all the possible tabs by clicking on a specific transcript, variant and regulatory feature. Normally, after searching for a gene, you see only the location and gene tabs.
  • The location tab (Location: 13:32,315,086-32,400,266). The location tab allows viewing of a region, including genes in that area, variations, regulatory regions, along with over a hundred different data types.
  • The gene tab (Gene: BRCA2). This contains all the information associated at the gene level. For example, the genomic sequence for the BRCA2 gene will be found in the gene tab.
  • The transcript tab (Transcript: BRCA2-201). This tab contains transcript-level information, for example the cDNA sequence and position of untranslated regions (UTRs).
  • The variation tab (Variant: rs55880202). The variation tab is focused on a SNP, an indel, a somatic mutation or a structural variant. Find population frequencies, alleles and associated phenotypes and diseases in this tab.
  • The regulation tab (Regulation: ENSR00000060894). This tab provides potential genomic regions involved in gene regulation, with their activity in different cells types.
  • The jobs tab (Jobs). Any jobs submitted to Ensembl tools can be accessed here.