The results table

The search results can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings. For example, clicking on “Processed” will show all the experiments that have processed data files at the top of the list.

The last column, “Atlas”, marks the experiments which have been selected for the Expression Atlas at EMBL-EBI, which presents analysed results from our in-house standard statistical pipeline. The search terms are highlighted according to their relation to the original search term (Figure 10).

Figure 10 The search results page lists experiments matching the search criteria. 

Try it for yourself

  • Start typing the word “cancer” into the search box and browse through the suggested ontology terms. Click on the “+”-box next to the terms to see all “child terms”, and try to find “acute myeloid leukemia” (or select any type of cancer).
  • Use the search filters to limit the results to display only sequencing data from human material.