
Export data

The gene, transcript and location tabs allow you to download (export) sequences. Use the Export data button (Figure 43) at the left of Ensembl views.

Figure 43  The Export data button.
Video 14 Watch how to export sequence.
Figure 44 Options for sequence export.

Export data. The ‘Export data’ button on the gene, location and transcript tabs opens a view that allows you to export data associated with that gene, genomic location or transcript, respectively (Video 14). You can select the desired output format from the drop-down list of supported formats, such FASTA, GTF or GFF. Once the output format is selected, you will be able to choose further options to customise your output file, such as cDNA, coding sequence, and genomic for the types of sequence in FASTA format (Figure 44).

  If you export protein from the gene tab, you will get all isoforms. If you export protein from the transcript tab, the information will be for one transcript (isoform) only.

The Export data button from genomic alignments pages (such as Gene tab, Genomic alignments view and the Orthologues view) will export sequence alignments viewed in the browser. Formats include CLUSTAL, FASTA, Mega, MSF, Nexus and more. You can click on the Export data button when viewing alignments to export those alignments.