
  • Reactome is a curated database that represents human pathways as interconnected molecular events or ‘reactions’
  • Reactome broadly defines a reaction as any molecular event in biology, including binding, phosphorylation, catalysed biochemical events, spontaneous molecular events and transport
  • Reactions can be considered as ‘steps’ in a pathway. Pathways are represented as diagrams containing a series of interconnected events, often organised into sub-pathways
  • Reactome has a hierarchical organization, from ‘top-level’ broad topics in biology to lower-level specific pathways and the events they contain.
  • The core dataset of human pathways is authored by expert biologists and independently peer-reviewed before release
  • Reactome’s curated human events are used as templates to computationally infer equivalent pathways in other species, including the most widely used model organisms
  • Reactions have literature citations that experimentally verify the described event
  • Reactome uses primary external sources, and extensively cross-references many other relevant sources of biological, chemical and literature information
  • Reactome hosts a range of pathway analysis tools that can be used to analyse experimental data and compare species/tissues
  • External protein interaction data (default IntAct) can be overlaid on Reactome pathways for extended analysis
  • Reactome data and software are open source, freely available to download and reuse from the website with appropriate citation