- Course overview
- Search within this course
- What is UniProt?
- Where does the data come from?
- Why do we need UniProt?
- When to use UniProt
- Quiz: Check your learning I
- How to access and navigate UniProt
- How to search UniProt
- Annotation score
- Quiz: Check your learning II
- How to use UniProt tools
- How to get data from UniProt
- How to submit data to UniProt
- When to use UniProt: guided examples
- Exercise: finding entries with 3D structures
- Exercise: mapping other database identifiers to UniProt
- Summary
- Get help and support on UniProt
- References
- Next steps
- Your feedback
Sequence & Isoform
This section displays the selected representative (canonical) protein sequence and all the isoforms described in the entry (Figure 34). It also includes information about the sequences including length and molecular weight. Isoforms can be generated from the same gene by alternative promoter usage, alternative splicing, alternative initiation or ribosomal frameshifting (or sometimes by a combination of these events). Isoform information includes both manually reviewed sequences, which may have specific names, functional information and experimental evidence associated with them, and also computationally mapped potential isoforms which are unreviewed records likely to belong to the same gene.