- Course overview
- Search within this course
- What is UniProt?
- Where does the data come from?
- Why do we need UniProt?
- When to use UniProt
- Quiz: Check your learning I
- How to access and navigate UniProt
- How to search UniProt
- Annotation score
- Quiz: Check your learning II
- Exploring a UniProtKB entry
- How to get data from UniProt
- How to submit data to UniProt
- When to use UniProt: guided examples
- Exercise: finding entries with 3D structures
- Exercise: mapping other database identifiers to UniProt
- Summary
- Get help and support on UniProt
- References
- Next steps
- Your feedback
Alignment results
The results default onto an Overview (Figure 54), but a series of tabs give the user the option of changing to views showing ‘Trees’, ‘Percent Identity Matrix’, a ‘Text Output’ and an ‘API request’. The latter allows you to run a new job on the command line with the same input as the current job using curl. The Overview can be annotated using the ‘Highlight Properties’ and ‘Select Annotation’ options.

The ‘Trees’ section visualizes the evolutionary relationships between the aligned sequences using a phylogenetic tree (Figure 55).

The ‘Percent Identity View’ gives a numeric score determined for each pair of aligned sequences displayed in a matrix. It measures the number of identical residues (“matches”) in relation to the length of the alignment (Figure 56).