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"metadata": {
"accession": "IPR001711",
"entry_id": null,
"type": "domain",
"go_terms": [
"identifier": "GO:0004435",
"name": "phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C activity",
"category": {
"code": "F",
"name": "molecular_function"
"identifier": "GO:0006629",
"name": "lipid metabolic process",
"category": {
"code": "P",
"name": "biological_process"
"identifier": "GO:0007165",
"name": "signal transduction",
"category": {
"code": "P",
"name": "biological_process"
"identifier": "GO:0035556",
"name": "intracellular signal transduction",
"category": {
"code": "P",
"name": "biological_process"
"source_database": "interpro",
"member_databases": {
"profile": {
"PS50008": "Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase Y-box domain profile"
"pfam": {
"PF00387": "Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, Y domain"
"smart": {
"SM00149": "Phospholipase C, catalytic domain (part); domain Y"
"integrated": null,
"hierarchy": {
"accession": "IPR001711",
"name": "Phospholipase C, phosphatidylinositol-specific, Y domain",
"type": "Domain",
"children": []
"name": {
"name": "Phospholipase C, phosphatidylinositol-specific, Y domain",
"short": "PLipase_C_Pinositol-sp_Y"
"description": [
"text": "<p>Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C ([ec:]), an eukaryotic intracellular enzyme, plays an important role in signal transduction processes [[cite:PUB00000624]] (see [interpro:IPR001192]). It catalyzes the hydrolysis of 1-phosphatidyl-D-myo-inositol-3,4,5-triphosphate into the second messenger molecules diacylglycerol and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate. This catalytic process is tightly regulated by reversible phosphorylation and binding of regulatory proteins [[cite:PUB00000014], [cite:PUB00002715], [cite:PUB00005394]].</p>\r\n<p>In mammals, there are at least 6 different isoforms of PI-PLC, they differ in their domain structure, their regulation, and their tissue distribution. Lower eukaryotes also possess multiple isoforms of PI-PLC.</p>\r\n<p>All eukaryotic PI-PLCs contain two regions of homology, sometimes referred to as 'X-box' (see [interpro:IPR000909]) and 'Y-box'. The order of these two regions is always the same (NH2-X-Y-COOH), but the spacing is variable. In most isoforms, the distance between these two regions is only 50-100 residues but in the gamma isoforms one PH domain, two SH2 domains, and one SH3 domain are inserted between the two PLC-specific domains. The two conserved regions have been shown to be important for the catalytic activity. At the C-terminal of the Y-box, there is a C2 domain (see [interpro:IPR000008]) possibly involved in Ca-dependent membrane attachment.</p>",
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"literature": {
"PUB00000624": {
"PMID": 1849017,
"ISBN": null,
"volume": "1092",
"issue": "1",
"year": 1991,
"title": "The PtdIns-PLC superfamily and signal transduction.",
"URL": null,
"raw_pages": "49-71",
"medline_journal": "Biochim Biophys Acta",
"ISO_journal": "Biochim. Biophys. Acta",
"authors": [
"Meldrum E",
"Parker PJ",
"Carozzi A."
"DOI_URL": ""
"PUB00000014": {
"PMID": 1419362,
"ISBN": null,
"volume": "26",
"issue": null,
"year": 1992,
"title": "Multiple forms of phospholipase C isozymes and their activation mechanisms.",
"URL": null,
"raw_pages": "35-61",
"medline_journal": "Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res",
"ISO_journal": "Adv. Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res.",
"authors": [
"Rhee SG",
"Choi KD."
"DOI_URL": null
"PUB00002715": {
"PMID": 1319994,
"ISBN": null,
"volume": "267",
"issue": "18",
"year": 1992,
"title": "Regulation of inositol phospholipid-specific phospholipase C isozymes.",
"URL": null,
"raw_pages": "12393-6",
"medline_journal": "J Biol Chem",
"ISO_journal": "J. Biol. Chem.",
"authors": [
"Rhee SG",
"Choi KD."
"DOI_URL": ""
"PUB00005394": {
"PMID": 1335185,
"ISBN": null,
"volume": "17",
"issue": "12",
"year": 1992,
"title": "Regulation of phospholipase C by G proteins.",
"URL": null,
"raw_pages": "502-6",
"medline_journal": "Trends Biochem Sci",
"ISO_journal": "Trends Biochem. Sci.",
"authors": [
"Sternweis PC",
"Smrcka AV."
"DOI_URL": ""
"set_info": null,
"overlaps_with": [
"accession": "IPR017946",
"name": "PLC-like phosphodiesterase, TIM beta/alpha-barrel domain superfamily",
"type": "homologous_superfamily"
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"description": "PROSITE is a database of protein families and domains.",
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