A little story behind Annotare

Why submit to ArrayExpress?

The team behind Annotare

Many people have contributed to the Annotare project over the years, either as developers building the software, or as curators interacting with submitters regularly and acting as the advocate for submitters.

As of September 2020, the primary software engineers are Haider Iqbal and Sandeep Reddy Kurri, and the curation team are Anja Füllgrabe, Nancy George and Silvie Fexova who are all part of the Gene Expression team lead by Irene Papatheodorou. Two senior software engineers Alfonso Munoz-Pomer Fuentes and Awais Athar (from the Functional Genomics Development team lead by Ugis Sarkans) support the new developments.

How to cite us?

Contact Us

Email: annotare@ebi.ac.uk

In your email, please include information such as the URL of the page you were on, what you're trying to do on the page and what failed, any error messages you've seen, or a screenshot of the page where you had a problem.

A curator will respond as soon as possible, usually within 3 working days. You can also