-4.7 | | Slc15a5 | 'Alb-Cre-ERT2 / Cnot1 flox/flox' vs 'Cnot1 flox/flox' in 'none' | compound, genotype, time | RNA-seq of livers in control and Cnot1 tamoxifen-inducible liver-specific knockout mice |
-3.8 | | Slc15a5 | 'hepatocyte-derived proliferative ducts (hepPDs)' vs 'hepatocyte' | cell type | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of hepatocyte-derived progenitors cells in a mouse model of oval cell activation |
-3.7 | | Slc15a5 | 'conditional Kras and p53 mutation induced soft tissue sarcoma' vs 'normal' | disease | Transcription profiling by array of mouse soft tissue sarcoma samples induced by conditional mutations of Kras and p53 against healthy muscles from mice of the same genotype but no induced sarcoma |
-3.3 | | Slc15a5 | 'clear cell sarcoma; Rosa26CreER' vs 'control' | disease, genotype | Mouse Model of Clear Cell Sarcoma |
-2.8 | | Slc15a5 | 'high fat diet' vs 'normal chow' in '28 week; ReverbαFlox2-6AdipoCre+' | age, diet, genotype | Tissue-autonomous regulation of adipose expansion by core clock protein REVERBα |
-2.8 | | Slc15a5 | 'ko cyld-/-' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of mouse liver with Cyld inactivation |
-2.6 | | Slc15a5 | 'Pax7 driven ablation of miR-1/133a' vs 'wild type' | phenotype | Metabolic maturation during muscle stem cell differentiation is achieved by miR-1/133a-mediated inhibition of the Dlk-Dio3 mega gene cluster. |
-2.6 | | Slc15a5 | 'synovial sarcoma' vs 'control' | disease, genotype | Mouse Model of Clear Cell Sarcoma |
-2.5 | | Slc15a5 | 'hepatocyte-specific deletion of JAK2' vs 'wild type genotype' in '40 week' | age, genotype | Hepatic Deletion of Janus Kinase 2 Counteracts Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Liver Cancer Formation in Growth Hormone Transgenic Mice |
-2.5 | | Slc15a5 | 'transgenic hepatic growth hormone and hepatocyte-specific deletion of JAK2' vs 'wild type genotype' in '40 week' | age, genotype | Hepatic Deletion of Janus Kinase 2 Counteracts Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Liver Cancer Formation in Growth Hormone Transgenic Mice |
-2.5 | | Slc15a5 | 'high fat diet; 30 degree celsius' vs 'chow; 23 degree celsius' in 'brown adipose tissue' | diet, organism part, temperature | RNA-seq of brown and white mouse adipose tissue at thermoneutrality and high-fat diet |
2.4 | | Slc15a5 | 'adipose tissue specific Cnot1 knockout' vs 'wild type phenotype' in 'brown adipose tissue' | organism part, phenotype | RNA-seq to identify the role of mRNA decay in mouse adipose tissues |
-2.3 | | Slc15a5 | 'transgenic hepatic growth hormone' vs 'wild type genotype' in '40 week' | age, genotype | Hepatic Deletion of Janus Kinase 2 Counteracts Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Liver Cancer Formation in Growth Hormone Transgenic Mice |
-2.3 | | Slc15a5 | '24 month; Pgc-1 alpha knockout' vs '24 month; wild type' | age, genotype | Progressive loss of PGC-1alpha expression in aging muscle potentiates glucose intolerance and systemic inflammation |
-2.2 | | Slc15a5 | 'Pax7 driven Mef2a overexpression' vs 'wild type' | phenotype | Metabolic maturation during muscle stem cell differentiation is achieved by miR-1/133a-mediated inhibition of the Dlk-Dio3 mega gene cluster. |
2 | | Slc15a5 | 'alpha-amanitin; maternal Ring1-Rnf+' vs 'none; maternal Ring1-Rnf+' | compound, genotype | Polycomb function during oogenesis is required for mouse early embryonic development (2-cell embryos) |
-2 | | Slc15a5 | 'cardiotoxin; 40 microliter' vs 'none' in 'wild type' at '12 day' | compound, genotype, time | Transcription profiling by array of mouse skeletal muscle expressing CnAa or CnAb1 under the control of the MLC promoter after treatment with cardiotoxin |
-2 | | Slc15a5 | 'liver-specific Cnot3 knockout' vs 'wild type' | phenotype | Roles of mRNA decay in liver development |
1.9 | | Slc15a5 | 'Reverbα-/- global knockout' vs 'Reverbα wild type' in 'not applicable; 13 week' | age, diet, genotype | Tissue-autonomous regulation of adipose expansion by core clock protein REVERBα |
-1.9 | | Slc15a5 | 'NEMO-TNFR1 double knockout' vs 'wild type' | genotype | TNFR1 controls apoptosis and chronic liver disease in hepatocyte-specific IKKγ (Nemo) mice. |
1.9 | | Slc15a5 | 'Stat5a (Stat5abnull/Stat5b-)' vs 'wild type' at 'pregnancy' | genotype, sampling time point | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of mouse wild type and Stat5-mutant mammary tissues at parturition and early pregnancy |
-1.8 | | Slc15a5 | 'Yin Yang 1 (YY1) knockout' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Expression data from mouse skeletal muscle |
1.8 | | Slc15a5 | 'Stat5b (Stat5abnull/Stat5a-)' vs 'wild type' at 'pregnancy' | genotype, sampling time point | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of mouse wild type and Stat5-mutant mammary tissues at parturition and early pregnancy |
1.8 | | Slc15a5 | "98 to 119 week; reproductively old" vs "6 to 12 week; reproductively young" | age, phenotype | RNAseq of whole ovarian follicles from young and old mice. |
-1.7 | | Slc15a5 | 'transgenic hepatic growth hormone and hepatocyte-specific deletion of JAK2' vs 'wild type genotype' in '12 week' | age, genotype | Hepatic Deletion of Janus Kinase 2 Counteracts Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Liver Cancer Formation in Growth Hormone Transgenic Mice |
-1.7 | | Slc15a5 | 'hepatocyte-specific deletion of JAK2' vs 'wild type genotype' in '12 week' | age, genotype | Hepatic Deletion of Janus Kinase 2 Counteracts Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Liver Cancer Formation in Growth Hormone Transgenic Mice |
1.6 | | Slc15a5 | 'dihydrotestosterone; 45 microgram per day' vs 'vehicle; ' on 'Affymetrix MOE430A array' on 'Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Expression Array MOE430A [MOE430A]' | compound | Transcription profiling of mouse after gonadectomy and treatment with estradiol, dihydrotestosterone or vehicle to compare gene expression in gastrocnemius |
-1.5 | | Slc15a5 | 'NEMO knockout' vs 'wild type' | genotype | TNFR1 controls apoptosis and chronic liver disease in hepatocyte-specific IKKγ (Nemo) mice. |
-1.4 | | Slc15a5 | 'injected with sperm-derived RNA fragments from mice subjected to early life stress (MSUS)' vs 'injected with sperm-derived RNA fragments from control non-stressed mice' | stimulus | Zygotic expression after parental early life stress |
1.3 | | Slc15a5 | '730 day' vs '1 day' | age | Transcriptional profilling of female mice liver as a function of age |
-1.3 | | Slc15a5 | 'Dicer knock out' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of mouse Dicer-deficient ooctyes |
1.2 | | Slc15a5 | '60 day' vs '1 day' | age | Transcriptional profilling of female mice liver as a function of age |
-1.2 | | Slc15a5 | 'isocaloric high-fat diet' vs 'control diet' | diet | Mouse adipose tissue under hypercaloric and isocaloric high-fat diet |
-1.2 | | Slc15a5 | 'streptozotocin' vs 'mock' | treatment | Liver adapts mitochondrial function to insulin-resistant and diabetic states in mice |
-1.2 | | Slc15a5 | 'PGC-1 beta knock in' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of skeletal muscle from PGC-1 beta transgenic mice |
1.1 | | Slc15a5 | '90 day' vs '1 day' | age | Transcriptional profilling of female mice liver as a function of age |
1.1 | | Slc15a5 | 'Sik1 knockout; abdominal muscle' vs 'wild type genotype; abdominal muscle' | genotype, organism part, sampling site | RNAseq of coding RNA in the liver, spleen, kidney, abdominal muscle and gonadal adipose tissue of knock out mice and wild type controls. |
-1.1 | | Slc15a5 | 'hepatocyte-specific Pten and Tgfbr2 knockout' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Hepatocyte-specific knockout of Pten and of Pten and Tgfbr2 in mice |
-1 | | Slc15a5 | 'Het (Q175) knock-in' vs 'wild type' in 'white adipose tissue around gonad' | genotype, organism part | Transcriptome profiling in knock-in mouse models of Huntington's disease [AllelicSeries_6month_TissueSurvey_mRNA] |