ENSMUSG00000105793 (Gm17956)

mus musculus

predicted gene, 17956

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Mus musculus
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Showing 13 experiments:
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0brainbrown adipose tissuecaecumcaudal brain neural epitheliumcentral neural epitheliumcerebellumcolondorsal control neural epitheliumepidermal ectodermfloor platehead mesenchymehearthippocampal formationileumkidneylateral nasal prominencelateral prominence neural epitheliumliverlungmandibular archmaxillary archmedial nasal prominencemedial prefrontal cortexmesodermnon-floor plate neural epitheliumolfactory pitpreoptic areaskeletal muscle tissuespleentestisthymuswhite adipose tissue
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Experiment type
Experimental variables
Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.8638 × 10-6-6.3
Gm17956'AZD5069; 100 milligram per kilogram' vs 'none'compoundRNA-seq to investigate differentially expressed genes in KPC mouse PDAC treated with CSF-1R small molecule inhibitor AZD7507 and/or the CXCR2 small molecule inhibitor AZD5069
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.6004 × 10-5-5.5
Gm17956'AZD7507; AZD5069 (at same dosage); 100 milligram per kilogram' vs 'none'compoundRNA-seq to investigate differentially expressed genes in KPC mouse PDAC treated with CSF-1R small molecule inhibitor AZD7507 and/or the CXCR2 small molecule inhibitor AZD5069
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.076 × 10-4-2.9
Gm17956'wormy, worm separated; Trichuris muris' vs 'control; non wormy' in 'caecum'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.8399 × 10-2-1.8
Gm17956'wormy, worm left; Trichuris muris' vs 'control; non wormy' in 'caecum'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.6373 × 10-5-1.5
Gm17956'Notch 1 and 2 null' vs 'wild type'genotypeQuantitative Analysis of Notch mutant (Notch1&2-null, Psen1&2-null, RBPjk-null) and wild-type hair follicle transcriptomes by NGS
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.7839 × 10-2-1.5
Gm17956'Trichuris muris' vs 'control' in 'non wormy; caecum'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8091 × 10-2-1.4
Gm17956'high fat diet; 30 degree celsius' vs 'chow; 23 degree celsius' in 'white adipose tissue'diet, organism part, temperatureRNA-seq of brown and white mouse adipose tissue at thermoneutrality and high-fat diet
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.3019 × 10-3-1.1
Gm17956'RBPjk null' vs 'wild type'genotypeQuantitative Analysis of Notch mutant (Notch1&2-null, Psen1&2-null, RBPjk-null) and wild-type hair follicle transcriptomes by NGS
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.4495 × 10-3-1.1
Gm17956'Psen 1 and 2 null' vs 'wild type'genotypeQuantitative Analysis of Notch mutant (Notch1&2-null, Psen1&2-null, RBPjk-null) and wild-type hair follicle transcriptomes by NGS
Ensembl gene
Ensembl transcript
MGI ID (Mouse)
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Gene biotype