-4.5 | | Gm9129 | 'clear cell sarcoma; TATCre' vs 'control' | disease, genotype | Mouse Model of Clear Cell Sarcoma |
4 | | Gm9129 | 'Irx3 knockout' vs 'control' at '7 day' | genetic modification, time | RNA-Seq of mouse Irx3-KO and Control ME3 cells on days 1 and 7 of adipogenic differentiation |
-3.8 | | Gm9129 | 'clear cell sarcoma; Rosa26CreER' vs 'control' | disease, genotype | Mouse Model of Clear Cell Sarcoma |
-3.2 | | Gm9129 | 'osteosarcoma' vs 'control' | disease, genotype | Mouse Model of Clear Cell Sarcoma |
-2.6 | | Gm9129 | 'undifferentiated' vs 'differentiated; rosiglitazone' in 'AKR/J' | phenotype, stimulus, strain | RNA-seq of mouse subcutaneous SVF cells before and after differentiation with a brown fat differentiation cocktail |
-2.6 | | Gm9129 | 'synovial sarcoma' vs 'control' | disease, genotype | Mouse Model of Clear Cell Sarcoma |
-2.5 | | Gm9129 | 'undifferentiated' vs 'differentiated; rosiglitazone' in 'A/J' | phenotype, stimulus, strain | RNA-seq of mouse subcutaneous SVF cells before and after differentiation with a brown fat differentiation cocktail |
-2.4 | | Gm9129 | 'undifferentiated' vs 'differentiated; rosiglitazone' in '129S6sv/ev' | phenotype, stimulus, strain | RNA-seq of mouse subcutaneous SVF cells before and after differentiation with a brown fat differentiation cocktail |
-2.3 | | Gm9129 | 'undifferentiated' vs 'differentiated; rosiglitazone' in 'C57BL/6J' | phenotype, stimulus, strain | RNA-seq of mouse subcutaneous SVF cells before and after differentiation with a brown fat differentiation cocktail |
-2.3 | | Gm9129 | 'undifferentiated' vs 'differentiated; rosiglitazone' in 'SWR/J' | phenotype, stimulus, strain | RNA-seq of mouse subcutaneous SVF cells before and after differentiation with a brown fat differentiation cocktail |
-2.1 | | Gm9129 | 'hepatocyte-derived proliferative ducts (hepPDs)' vs 'hepatocyte' | cell type | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of hepatocyte-derived progenitors cells in a mouse model of oval cell activation |
1.1 | | Gm9129 | '3110043O21Rik knockout; liver' vs 'wild type genotype; liver' | genotype, organism part, sampling site | RNAseq of coding RNA in the liver, spleen, kidney, abdominal muscle and gonadal adipose tissue of knock out mice and wild type controls. |