5.1 | | Art4 | 'bam1/bam-delta-86 mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila testes mutant for bam, aly or sa |
-4 | | Art4 | 'homozygous for chico mutation' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila homozygous and heterozygous chico mutants |
-3 | | Art4 | 'ovoD mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Juvenile hormone regulation of Drosophila aging |
-2.9 | | Art4 | 'CA knockout with ovoD mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Juvenile hormone regulation of Drosophila aging |
-2.1 | | Art4 | 'mushroom body alpha/beta neuron' vs 'non-mushroom body neuron' | cell type | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila melanogaster mushroom bodies to gain insight into cellular properties of mushroom body neurons |
-1.6 | | Art4 | 'hemizygous ato1/Df(3R)p13 mutant' vs 'ato1/TM3 control' in 'second antennal segment' | genotype, organism part | transcription profiling by array of Drosophila hearing organ mutants |
1.4 | | Art4 | 'MCRS2' vs 'control' | RNA interference | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila salivary glands upon NSL3, MCRS2 and MBDR2 RNAi mediated depletion |
-1.4 | | Art4 | 'response to cold' at '3 week' vs 'normal conditions' at '1 week' | age, stimulus | Genome-wide transcriptome effects of reproductive diapause in Drosophila melanogaster. |
-1.4 | | Art4 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 108 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
-1.4 | | Art4 | 'sage overexpressed tub-Gal4' vs 'tub-Gal4' | genotype | Genes regulated by ectopic expression of Sage in the entire Drosophila embryo using RNA from tub-Gal4 embryos. |
-1.4 | | Art4 | 'mushroom body gamma neuron' vs 'non-mushroom body neuron' | cell type | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila melanogaster mushroom bodies to gain insight into cellular properties of mushroom body neurons |
1.3 | | Art4 | 'NSL3' vs 'control' | RNA interference | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila salivary glands upon NSL3, MCRS2 and MBDR2 RNAi mediated depletion |
1.2 | | Art4 | 'Peb-Gal4; UAS-Or42b' vs 'wild type genotype' at '4 day' | genotype, time | Stress and neuronal activity during a critical period regulate odorant receptor expression in Drosophila Melanogaster |
-1.2 | | Art4 | 'response to cold' vs 'normal conditions' at '3 week' | age, stimulus | Genome-wide transcriptome effects of reproductive diapause in Drosophila melanogaster. |
-1.1 | | Art4 | '30 day' vs '3 day' | age | Drosophila brain gene expression profile with age |
-1.1 | | Art4 | '60 day' vs '3 day' | age | Drosophila brain gene expression profile with age |
-1 | | Art4 | 'embryo' at '150 to 180 minute' vs 'unfertilised egg' at '150 to 180 minute' | developmental stage, sampling time point | Transcription profiling of Drosophila early embryos and unfertized eggs to analyze mRNA decay patterns in early development |
-1 | | Art4 | 'UAS-D380N/SAM' vs 'UAS-wt-MYOC/SAM' | genotype | Transcription profiling of Drosophila expressing four mutant forms of MYOC (R342K, Q368X, D380N and K423E) to model Myocilin-Associated Glaucoma |
-1 | | Art4 | 'Ada2a delta 189' vs 'wild type genotype' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Gcn5 and Ada2a mutant Drosophila larve |
1 | | Art4 | 'aly2/aly5P mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila testes mutant for bam, aly or sa |
1 | | Art4 | 'MBDR2' vs 'control' | RNA interference | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila salivary glands upon NSL3, MCRS2 and MBDR2 RNAi mediated depletion |
-1 | | Art4 | '1SY+EAA' vs '1SY' in 'arthropod fat body' | compound, diet, organism part | RNA-seq of from Drosophila melanogaster tissues: gut; fatbody; brain; ovary or thorax, fed different diets or diet supplemented with rapamycin |
-1 | | Art4 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 276 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
1 | | Art4 | 'microgravity' vs 'control' in 'adult' | developmental stage, environmental stress | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila after spaceflight |