PDBe is a founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) which collects, organises and disseminates data on biological macromolecular structures. wwPDB Partners: RCSB PDB, PDBjBMRB, EMDB. Read more about PDBe.


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Total PDB entries in the archive: 232829

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Hsiang-Ling Huang

Poster Prize Awarded at The Biophysical Society Meeting

The wwPDB Foundation made an award for an outstanding student presentation at the …

New version of PDB-IHM validation reports now include assessments of crosslinking mass spectrometry-based structure models

New version of PDB-IHM validation reports now include assessments of crosslinking mass spectrometry-based structure models

We are pleased to announce the release of updated validation reports (version 2) for structures…

Benefits of the PDBx/mmCIF ecosystem

Take the PDBx/mmCIF User Guide Survey and Win!

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Integrative structures are available at wwPDB.org and the PDB archive


Structures of many large macromolecular assemblies are now being determined using integrative…
