wild-type Escherichia coli stalled ribosome with antibiotic linezolid
Single-particle2.48 Å

Map released: 17/11/2021
Last modified: 15/11/2023
Sample Organism:
Escherichia coli
Sample: wild-type Escherichia coli stalled ribosome with antibiotic linezolid
Fitted models: 7s1g
Deposition Authors: Young ID
Stojkovic V,
Tsai K,
Lee DJ
Sample: wild-type Escherichia coli stalled ribosome with antibiotic linezolid
Fitted models: 7s1g
Deposition Authors: Young ID

Structural basis for context-specific inhibition of translation by oxazolidinone antibiotics.
Tsai K,
Stojkovic V,
Lee DJ,
Young ID
Szal T,
Klepacki D,
Vazquez-Laslop N
Mankin AS
Fraser JS
Fujimori DG
(2022) Nat Struct Mol Biol , 29 , 162 - 171

(2022) Nat Struct Mol Biol , 29 , 162 - 171
Secondary citations:
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