wwPDB Biocurator Milestone: >10,000 Depositions Processed

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Congratulations to biocurator Minyu Chen on processing over 10,000 PDB depositions. She is the second biocurator to reach this milestone in the PDBj and the fifth in the wwPDB. Yumiko Kengaku reached this milestone in April 2021.

Minyu received her PhD in Environmental Engineering from Osaka University and joined PDB after working at the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka. She has joined PDB in 2007 and is now working at the branch office of PDBj in the Protein Research Foundation, Osaka. She has established herself as a highly qualified professional with deep understanding of scientific data and various experimental techniques and dedication to exceptional quality data curation. Her profound data curation expertise and commitment to excellence contributed to the high quality data archive for the benefit of the scientific community. We congratulate Minyu with this exciting accomplishment and look forward to her future success.


Chairman of the Protein Research Foundation, Prof. Toshiharu Hase, and Dr. Minyu Chen.
Chairman of the Protein Research Foundation, Prof. Toshiharu Hase, and Dr. Minyu Chen.