CHEBI:170616 - TG(14:1(9Z)/22:1(13Z)/14:1(9Z))

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ChEBI Name TG(14:1(9Z)/22:1(13Z)/14:1(9Z))
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by a third party.
Submitter MetaboLights
Supplier Information
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Formula C53H96O6
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 829.345
Monoisotopic Mass 828.72069
InChI InChI=1S/C53H96O6/c1-4-7-10-13-16-19-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-32-35-38-41-44-47-53(56)59-50(48-57-51(54)45-42-39-36-33-30-20-17-14-11-8-5-2)49-58-52(55)46-43-40-37-34-31-21-18-15-12-9-6-3/h14-15,17-18,23-24,50H,4-13,16,19-22,25-49H2,1-3H3/b17-14-,18-15-,24-23-
Metabolite of Species Details
reference compound Found in mixture (CHEBI:60004). of strain [] See: MetaboLights Study
reference compound Found in mixture (CHEBI:60004). of strain [] See: MetaboLights Study
Mus musculus (NCBI:txid10090) Found in Hepa-RG cell (BTO:0005736). of strain C57BL/6J [EFO:0000606] See: MetaboLights Study
Homo sapiens (NCBI:txid9606) Found in Hepa-RG cell (BTO:0005736). of strain [] See: MetaboLights Study
Homo sapiens (NCBI:txid9606) Found in HeLa cell;NIH-3T3 cell (BTO:0000944). of strain [] See: MetaboLights Study
Homo sapiens (NCBI:txid9606) Found in NIH-3T3 cell (BTO:0000944). of strain [] See: MetaboLights Study
Homo sapiens (NCBI:txid9606) Found in HeLa cell (BTO:0000567). of strain [] See: MetaboLights Study
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing TG(14:1(9Z)/22:1(13Z)/14:1(9Z)) (CHEBI:170616) is a triglyceride (CHEBI:17855)
1,3-bis[[(Z)-tetradec-9-enoyl]oxy]propan-2-yl (Z)-docos-13-enoate
Manual Xrefs Databases
30777859 ChemSpider
HMDB0048023 HMDB
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