Dermal fibroblasts from an 8 year old male with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (cell line HGPS, HGADFN167, progeria research foundation).
Exact Synonyms
HGADFN167 cell
HGPS cell
class Information
term editor
Catherine Leroy
class Relations
Subclass of
- fibroblast derived cell line
- Homo sapiens cell line
- ENCODE cell line
- is specified input ofobisomeENCODE functional genome mapping
- has characteristicrosomeHutchinson-Gilford progeria syndromemondo
- has qualityrosomemalepato
- derives fromrosomedermisuberon
- derives fromrosome(fibroblastclandpart ofrosome(organism partandpart ofrosomeHomo sapiensncbitaxon))