Downloading OLS Data Releases
The OLS internal database format is undocumented and subject to change at any time. We therefore strongly recommend that the OLS API and/or upstream OWL files from ontology vendors are used to access ontology information rather than the OLS data dump, with the exception of the SSSOM mappings file which is provided with a standardised representation.

We recognise that the EBI OLS dataset can be useful in some cases to e.g. set up a local instance of OLS for development purposes, or to perform one-off analyses of the ontology corpus. To this end, snapshots of OLS datareleases can be downloaded from And the latest snapshot can be found at

OLS internal data representation of all loaded ontologies (~50 GB uncompressed)ontologies.json.gzGZIP JSON
As ontologies.json.gz but after running through the OLS linker to add references between ontologies and to external databases (~150 GB uncompressed)ontologies_linked.json.gzGZIP JSON
The neo4j database generated from ontologies_linked.json by the OLS json2neo tool, after creating db indexes (Requires Neo4j community 4.4.9)neo4j.tgzNeo4j database
The solr database generated from ontologies_linked.json by the OLS json2solr tool (Requires Solr 9.0.0)solr.tgzSolr core
Mappings extracted from all ontologies in SSSOM TSV formatmappings_sssom.tsv.gztab separated file