
3.5 Å
EMD-10523 Deposition: 04/12/2019
Map released: 16/12/2020
Last modified: 22/05/2024
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Cryo-EM structure of Toxoplasma gondii mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer, rotor-stator map


3.5 Å
EMD-10523 Deposition: 04/12/2019
Map released: 16/12/2020
Last modified: 22/05/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Toxoplasma gondii (strain ATCC 50853 / GT1)
Sample: Mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer, rotor-stator
Fitted models: 6tmj (Avg. Q-score: 0.473)

Deposition Authors: Muhleip A , Kock Flygaard R , Amunts A
ATP synthase hexamer assemblies shape cristae of Toxoplasma mitochondria.
Muhleip A , Kock Flygaard R , Ovciarikova J, Lacombe A , Fernandes P , Sheiner L , Amunts A
(2021) Nat Commun , 12 , 120 - 120
PUBMED: 33402698
DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20381-z
ISSN: 2041-1723
Mitochondrial ATP synthase plays a key role in inducing membrane curvature to establish cristae. In Apicomplexa causing diseases such as malaria and toxoplasmosis, an unusual cristae morphology has been observed, but its structural basis is unknown. Here, we report that the apicomplexan ATP synthase assembles into cyclic hexamers, essential to shape their distinct cristae. Cryo-EM was used to determine the structure of the hexamer, which is held together by interactions between parasite-specific subunits in the lumenal region. Overall, we identified 17 apicomplexan-specific subunits, and a minimal and nuclear-encoded subunit-a. The hexamer consists of three dimers with an extensive dimer interface that includes bound cardiolipins and the inhibitor IF1. Cryo-ET and subtomogram averaging revealed that hexamers arrange into ~20-megadalton pentagonal pyramids in the curved apical membrane regions. Knockout of the linker protein ATPTG11 resulted in the loss of pentagonal pyramids with concomitant aberrantly shaped cristae. Together, this demonstrates that the unique macromolecular arrangement is critical for the maintenance of cristae morphology in Apicomplexa.