Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1 hexamer structure bound to the natural product antibiotic ecumicin (class 2)
Single-particle8.59 Å

Map released: 31/05/2023
Last modified: 31/05/2023
Sample Organism:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Sample: Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1 bound to the natural product antibiotic Ecumicin
Deposition Authors: Felix J
Fraga H
Gragera M,
Bueno T,
Weinhaeupl K
Sample: Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1 bound to the natural product antibiotic Ecumicin
Deposition Authors: Felix J

Structure of the drug target ClpC1 unfoldase in action provides insights on antibiotic mechanism of action.
Weinhaupl K
Gragera M,
Bueno-Carrasco MT
Arranz R
Krandor O,
Akopian T,
Soares R,
Rubin E
Felix J
Fraga H
(2022) J Biol Chem , 298 , 102553 - 102553

(2022) J Biol Chem , 298 , 102553 - 102553
The unfoldase ClpC1 is one of the most exciting drug targets against tuberculosis. This AAA+ unfoldase works in cooperation with the ClpP1P2 protease and is the target of at least four natural product antibiotics: cyclomarin, ecumicin, lassomycin, and rufomycin. Although these molecules are promising starting points for drug development, their mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. Taking advantage of a middle domain mutant, we determined the first structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1 in its apo, cyclomarin-, and ecumicin-bound states via cryo-EM. The obtained structure displays features observed in other members of the AAA+ family and provides a map for further drug development. While the apo and cyclomarin-bound structures are indistinguishable and have N-terminal domains that are invisible in their respective EM maps, around half of the ecumicin-bound ClpC1 particles display three of their six N-terminal domains in an extended conformation. Our structural observations suggest a mechanism where ecumicin functions by mimicking substrate binding, leading to ATPase activation and changes in protein degradation profile.
The unfoldase ClpC1 is one of the most exciting drug targets against tuberculosis. This AAA+ unfoldase works in cooperation with the ClpP1P2 protease and is the target of at least four natural product antibiotics: cyclomarin, ecumicin, lassomycin, and rufomycin. Although these molecules are promising starting points for drug development, their mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. Taking advantage of a middle domain mutant, we determined the first structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1 in its apo, cyclomarin-, and ecumicin-bound states via cryo-EM. The obtained structure displays features observed in other members of the AAA+ family and provides a map for further drug development. While the apo and cyclomarin-bound structures are indistinguishable and have N-terminal domains that are invisible in their respective EM maps, around half of the ecumicin-bound ClpC1 particles display three of their six N-terminal domains in an extended conformation. Our structural observations suggest a mechanism where ecumicin functions by mimicking substrate binding, leading to ATPase activation and changes in protein degradation profile.