
3.02 Å
EMD-15790 Deposition: 07/09/2022
Map released: 12/07/2023
Last modified: 24/07/2024
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Cryo-EM structure apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase Lnt from E.coli in complex with FP3


3.02 Å
EMD-15790 Deposition: 07/09/2022
Map released: 12/07/2023
Last modified: 24/07/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Escherichia coli K-12
Sample: Apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase
Fitted models: 8b0o (Avg. Q-score: 0.534)

Deposition Authors: Degtjarik O , Smithers L , Boland C , Caffrey M , Shalev Benami M
Structure snapshots reveal the mechanism of a bacterial membrane lipoprotein N -acyltransferase.
PUBMED: 37390210
DOI: doi:10.1126/sciadv.adf5799
ISSN: 2375-2548
Bacterial lipoproteins (BLPs) decorate the surface of membranes in the cell envelope. They function in membrane assembly and stability, as enzymes, and in transport. The final enzyme in the BLP synthesis pathway is the apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase, Lnt, which is proposed to act by a ping-pong mechanism. Here, we use x-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy to chart the structural changes undergone during the progress of the enzyme through the reaction. We identify a single active site that has evolved to bind, individually and sequentially, substrates that satisfy structural and chemical criteria to position reactive parts next to the catalytic triad for reaction. This study validates the ping-pong mechanism, explains the molecular bases for Lnt's substrate promiscuity, and should facilitate the design of antibiotics with minimal off-target effects.