
3.41 Å
EMD-19522 Deposition: 31/01/2024
Map released: 10/04/2024
Last modified: 24/04/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Structure of the formin INF2 bound to the barbed end of F-actin.


3.41 Å
EMD-19522 Deposition: 31/01/2024
Map released: 10/04/2024
Last modified: 24/04/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Oryctolagus cuniculus, Homo sapiens
Sample: Complex of the formin INF2 dimer that binds to the actin subunits at the barbed end of actin filaments.
Fitted models: 8rv2 (Avg. Q-score: 0.43)

Deposition Authors: Oosterheert W , Boiero Sanders M , Funk J , Prumbaum D , Raunser S , Bieling P
Molecular mechanism of actin filament elongation by formins.
Oosterheert W , Boiero Sanders M , Funk J , Prumbaum D , Raunser S , Bieling P
(2024) Science , 384 , eadn9560 - eadn9560
PUBMED: 38603491
DOI: doi:10.1126/science.adn9560
ISSN: 1095-9203
Formins control the assembly of actin filaments (F-actin) that drive cell morphogenesis and motility in eukaryotes. However, their molecular interaction with F-actin and their mechanism of action remain unclear. In this work, we present high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structures of F-actin barbed ends bound by three distinct formins, revealing a common asymmetric formin conformation imposed by the filament. Formation of new intersubunit contacts during actin polymerization sterically displaces formin and triggers its translocation. This "undock-and-lock" mechanism explains how actin-filament growth is coordinated with formin movement. Filament elongation speeds are controlled by the positioning and stability of actin-formin interfaces, which distinguish fast and slow formins. Furthermore, we provide a structure of the actin-formin-profilin ring complex, which resolves how profilin is rapidly released from the barbed end during filament elongation.