Electron microscopy of Influenza hemagglutinin (Hong Kong/1/1968 (H3N2)) in complex with neutralizing antibody (Fab CR9114)
Single-particle17.0 Å

Map released: 22/08/2012
Last modified: 26/09/2012
Sample Organism:
Influenza A virus (A/Hong Kong/1/1968(H3N2)),
Homo sapiens
Sample: Influenza hemagglutinin (Hong Kong/1/1968 (H3N2)) in complex with neutralizing IgG antibody fragment(Fab CR9114)
Deposition Authors: Khayat R, Meltagen Z, Ekiert DC
Dreyfus C
Wilson IA,
Ward AB
Sample: Influenza hemagglutinin (Hong Kong/1/1968 (H3N2)) in complex with neutralizing IgG antibody fragment(Fab CR9114)
Deposition Authors: Khayat R, Meltagen Z, Ekiert DC

Highly conserved protective epitopes on influenza B viruses.
Dreyfus C
Laursen NS
Kwaks T
Zuijdgeest D,
Khayat R,
Ekiert DC
Lee JH
Bhabha G,
Metlagel Z,
Bujny MV,
Jongeneelen M,
van de Vlugt R,
Lamrani M,
Korse HJWM,
Geelen E,
Sahin O,
Sieuwerts M,
Brakenhoff JPJ,
Vogels R,
Ii O
Poon LLM
Peiris M,
Koudstaal W,
Ward AB,
Wilson IA,
Goudsmit J,
Friesen RHE
(2012) Science , 337 , 1343 - 1348

(2012) Science , 337 , 1343 - 1348
Identification of broadly neutralizing antibodies against influenza A viruses has raised hopes for the development of monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapy and "universal" vaccines for influenza. However, a substantial part of the annual flu burden is caused by two cocirculating, antigenically distinct lineages of influenza B viruses. Here, we report human monoclonal antibodies, CR8033, CR8071, and CR9114, that protect mice against lethal challenge from both lineages. Antibodies CR8033 and CR8071 recognize distinct conserved epitopes in the head region of the influenza B hemagglutinin (HA), whereas CR9114 binds a conserved epitope in the HA stem and protects against lethal challenge with influenza A and B viruses. These antibodies may inform on development of monoclonal antibody-based treatments and a universal flu vaccine for all influenza A and B viruses.
Identification of broadly neutralizing antibodies against influenza A viruses has raised hopes for the development of monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapy and "universal" vaccines for influenza. However, a substantial part of the annual flu burden is caused by two cocirculating, antigenically distinct lineages of influenza B viruses. Here, we report human monoclonal antibodies, CR8033, CR8071, and CR9114, that protect mice against lethal challenge from both lineages. Antibodies CR8033 and CR8071 recognize distinct conserved epitopes in the head region of the influenza B hemagglutinin (HA), whereas CR9114 binds a conserved epitope in the HA stem and protects against lethal challenge with influenza A and B viruses. These antibodies may inform on development of monoclonal antibody-based treatments and a universal flu vaccine for all influenza A and B viruses.