
Subtomogram averaging
33.6 Å
EMD-22874 Deposition: 19/10/2020
Map released: 05/05/2021
Last modified: 09/06/2021
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Cryo-electron tomography and subtomographic averaging reveals ciliary defects underlying human RSPH1 primary ciliary dyskinesia


Subtomogram averaging
33.6 Å
EMD-22874 Deposition: 19/10/2020
Map released: 05/05/2021
Last modified: 09/06/2021
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Homo sapiens
Sample: respiratory ciliary axonemes of human with RSPH1 primary ciliary dyskinesia disease

Deposition Authors: Zhao Y, Pinskey J, Lin J, Yin W, Leigh MW, Zariwala MA, Knowles MR, Ostrowski LE, Nicastro D
Structural insights into the cause of human RSPH4A primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Zhao Y, Pinskey J, Lin J, Yin W, Sears PR, Daniels LA, Zariwala MA, Knowles MR, Ostrowski LE, Nicastro D
(2021) Mol. Biol. Cell , 32 , 1202 - 1209
PUBMED: 33852348
DOI: doi:10.1091/mbc.E20-12-0806
ISSN: 1939-4586