
25.0 Å
EMD-23314 Deposition: 20/01/2021
Map released: 03/03/2021
Last modified: 03/03/2021
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Negative stain map of monoclonal Fab 45 binding the esterase domain of H1 HA


25.0 Å
EMD-23314 Deposition: 20/01/2021
Map released: 03/03/2021
Last modified: 03/03/2021
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Homo sapiens, Influenza A virus
Sample: Negative stain map of monoclonal Fab 45 binding the lateral patch of H1 HA

Deposition Authors: Han J, Freyn AW, Ward AB
Influenza hemagglutinin-specific IgA Fc-effector functionality is restricted to stalk epitopes.
PUBMED: 33593910
DOI: doi:10.1073/pnas.2018102118
ISSN: 1091-6490
In this study, we utilized a panel of human immunoglobulin (Ig) IgA monoclonal antibodies isolated from the plasmablasts of eight donors after 2014/2015 influenza virus vaccination (Fluarix) to study the binding and functional specificities of this isotype. In this cohort, isolated IgA monoclonal antibodies were primarily elicited against the hemagglutinin protein of the H1N1 component of the vaccine. To compare effector functionalities, an H1-specific subset of antibodies targeting distinct epitopes were expressed as monomeric, dimeric, or secretory IgA, as well as in an IgG1 backbone. When expressed with an IgG Fc domain, all antibodies elicited Fc-effector activity in a primary polymorphonuclear cell-based assay which differs from previous observations that found only stalk-specific antibodies activate the low-affinity FcγRIIIa. However, when expressed with IgA Fc domains, only antibodies targeting the stalk domain showed Fc-effector activity in line with these previous findings. To identify the cause of this discrepancy, we then confirmed that IgG signaling through the high-affinity FcγI receptor was not restricted to stalk epitopes. Since no corresponding high-affinity Fcα receptor exists, the IgA repertoire may therefore be limited to stalk-specific epitopes in the context of Fc receptor signaling.