
3.9 Å
EMD-26080 Deposition: 27/01/2022
Map released: 20/07/2022
Last modified: 21/02/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


CaKip3[2-482] - AMP-PNP in complex with a dolastatin-10-stabilized tubulin ring


3.9 Å
EMD-26080 Deposition: 27/01/2022
Map released: 20/07/2022
Last modified: 21/02/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Sus scrofa, Candida albicans
Sample: caKip3[2-482] - AMP-PNP in complex with a dolastatin-10-stabilized tubulin ring
Fitted models: 7tr3 (Avg. Q-score: 0.398)

Deposition Authors: Benoit MPMH , Asenjo AB , Hunter B , Allingham JS , Sosa H
Kinesin-8-specific loop-2 controls the dual activities of the motor domain according to tubulin protofilament shape.
Hunter B , Benoit MPMH , Asenjo AB , Doubleday C, Trofimova D, Frazer C , Shoukat I, Sosa H , Allingham JS
(2022) Nat Commun , 13 , 4198 - 4198
PUBMED: 35859148
DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-022-31794-3
ISSN: 2041-1723
Kinesin-8s are dual-activity motor proteins that can move processively on microtubules and depolymerize microtubule plus-ends, but their mechanism of combining these distinct activities remains unclear. We addressed this by obtaining cryo-EM structures (2.6-3.9 Å) of Candida albicans Kip3 in different catalytic states on the microtubule lattice and on a curved microtubule end mimic. We also determined a crystal structure of microtubule-unbound CaKip3-ADP (2.0 Å) and analyzed the biochemical activity of CaKip3 and kinesin-1 mutants. These data reveal that the microtubule depolymerization activity of kinesin-8 originates from conformational changes of its motor core that are amplified by dynamic contacts between its extended loop-2 and tubulin. On curved microtubule ends, loop-1 inserts into preceding motor domains, forming head-to-tail arrays of kinesin-8s that complement loop-2 contacts with curved tubulin and assist depolymerization. On straight tubulin protofilaments in the microtubule lattice, loop-2-tubulin contacts inhibit conformational changes in the motor core, but in the ADP-Pi state these contacts are relaxed, allowing neck-linker docking for motility. We propose that these tubulin shape-induced alternations between pro-microtubule-depolymerization and pro-motility kinesin states, regulated by loop-2, are the key to the dual activity of kinesin-8 motors.